chapter 10

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long time no see
sorry college is annoying :)
i missed evil kookie 💔


Two more days passed by until Namjoon finally decided to let the boys out of their room. "Good morning", he grumbled as he opened the door and stepped inside, face expression all serious.
"Oh hello stranger", Taehyung hummed sarcastically, "Are you finally going to free us from our prison?", he joked but Namjoon wasn't feeling it. He just shook his head.
"At least you had no sex while being stuck in here. I think I can let you have another try at the temptation room. But just saying, one more failure and I'll be kicking Jungkook off my ship."

"Fine, we'll keep our hands by ourselves", Taehyung snapped, "Right, Koo?"

Jungkook lifted his brows, "Do I have to?", he pouted, "Your ass looks so nice to grab right now-"
He got elbowed by the older, coughed and quickly revised his answer into an innocent, "Of course we won't. We'll keep our hands to ourselves."
Taehyung smiled satisfied and Namjoon let them get out of the room, with a heavy sigh accompanying them.

"Let's go there immediately", Namjoon suggested, "I want to make sure you two have yourself together. Because somehow I believe Jungkook is way more dangerous than I would like him to be."

Jungkook chuckled, "I'm not dangerous, come on, are you afraid of a boy who's biggest temptation is being fucked in the ass? Pathetic."

"If you see it that way.." Namjoon mumbled, "It really sounds pathetic."

"See", Jungkook winked.

They headed to the temptation room and stopped in front of it, Taehyung turning to Jungkook, "Promise me not to touch me, not to come close to me and not to do anything that will make me want to have sex with you. Promise me", he said, knowing that if he would make the boy promise that, they were safe. Jungkook would rather die than break a promise to Taehyung and Tae loved that about the smaller boy.
"Fine, I promise. Can I suck your dick once we're out of there then?", he teased, biting his lips in a way that made Taehyung want to jump the younger, even out here. Without any temptations risen inside of him.

"Yeah, be a good boy and you can play with my dick all night."

Namjoon coughed from behind while Seokjin was giggling over Jungkook's behavior.
"Excuse me but can I ask what Jin's job is in here?", Taehyung suddenly asked, "He never does anything useful but he's always here-"
Seokjin smirked and Namjoon blushed, "Honestly, I'd prefer him outside as well", Joon said but then shrugged, "But this guy sticks like glue."

"Can we go now", Jungkook whined, "The quicker we go in, the quicker I get to suck my man's dick-"

"Oh my god yeah go!", Namjoon yelled out in disgust, annoyed by Jungkook's straightforwardness. Why did he had to be like this? Oh right, because he got no shame and no sense of manners. Taehyung really did miss out on the most important things about the boy's personality.

The door opened and the boys walked in, as always blinded by the shining lights that greeted them but as soon as the door shut behind them, it went all black.

And when Taehyung opened his eyes, it was all different. Another setting, another temptation.
No Jungkook here, nowhere at all.
"Kook?", he asked confused, walking ahead but there was nothing but darkness in here. "What's going on-"

He felt panic rising inside of him. Did his worst temptation change? Was it not Jungkook anymore? But what else would it be?
Taehyung walked forwards, heading into nothing until he bumped into something that looked like a table. It held two buttons.

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