chapter 2

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idk i should maybe warn bc i noticed it during this chapter, jungkook is a little bit creepy in this book so if ur uncomfortable with creepy figures this book might not be for u!!


"What is this", Jungkook scrunched his nose in disgust.
Taehyung had led him to his bedroom and just after he opened the door, the boy already had made up his opinion. "Disgusting", he said and walked through the room, kicking around the things that were on the floor which were mostly clothes.

"What's disgusting about my room?!", Taehyung asked confused. Sure, it was a little messy and there were some plates he didn't put away and clothes were thrown everywhere. But it wasn't disgusting, it was normal for a teenager.
"Mess", the raven haired boy replied, looking around for a while before he turned towards Taehyung. "Disgusting", he repeated and then pointed onto Taehyung.

"Thanks", the older sighed and then started cleaning up the mess a little, picking up the shirts and boxers that laid on the floor. Meanwhile Jungkook started walking around the room, spying in every corner, opened every drawer and when he suddenly screamed and dropped something, Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts and stared at the boy who stood in the middle of the room, mouth wide open as he gasped in shock.

"What now?!", Taehyung asked irritated, then glanced onto the floor to see what Jungkook had dropped.

"Nasty", Jungkook let out the biggest sigh and then picked up what he just dropped which was a huge bottle of lube. "You're so disgusting."

Taehyung grumbled something under his breath, "You don't even know what this is. You just came to life-"
"You put a lot of knowledge about porn into my system, weirdo. I know lube when I see it." Jungkook went to the rubbish and threw the lube into, "Don't use that on me."

"I wasn't planning to!?", Taehyung yelled out, cheeks heating up. "Stop looking through my stuff!"

"If you fuck me, do it without lube."
Jungkook simply stated this without even showing any expression on his face, his stare was blank and went right through Taehyung.
"Okay, first of all, I won't fuck you", Taehyung inhaled deeply, "Secondly, without lube it's painful as fuck, Jungkook."

"I know", the smaller boy nodded, a small smirk surrounding his lips. "I like pain."

Taehyung felt his tummy turning, he could swear he looked evil when he grinned. His smile wasn't genuine, it was simply scary when his mouth started grinning but his eyes remained blank, expressionless.
"God, I really did mess up", Taehyung hummed to himself as he watched Jungkook walking through the room again. This time he stopped in front of the wardrobe, opening it up. He stood there for a long, really long time before he grabbed all the clothes and threw them to the rubbish.

"Jungkook!", Taehyung screamed out, "Are you out of your mind?!"

"Those are ugly", Kook explained, "I'm doing you a favor."
Then he grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting the clothes in the middle so Taehyung couldn't ever use them again. The older was about to lose it, but at the same time he was speechless about how the boy's brain seemed to work. He had no shame, he had no respect and he did right that what shot into his head.

"I don't have enough money to buy new clothes", the boy complained, ruffling his hair in frustration as he continued watching Jungkook ruining all his clothes. "I know", Jungkook shrugged, "We can steal them, it's okay."

"No, that's not okay-, that's illegal and could be sentenced with death", Taehyung let out in shock, "Never steal anything, Jungkook! They will kill you."
"I'd love to see them try", the boy replied calmly and then grabbed a pair of pink boxers that Taehyung owned and walked over to him, handing it to him, "Wear this."

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