chapter 12

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Next thing Taehyung felt was himself dropping down on his knees, crashing hard onto the stone tiles in the laboratory. A groan in pain let him know that he was back in reality, out of the simulation. "Did I make it?!", he asked, rubbing his head as he forced himself to get back up, his knees still aching from the crash.
"T-taehyung", Jungkook let out, looking sick of worry as he jumped closer to Taehyung, holding onto him. That's when Taehyung realized that something was more than just wrong. Jungkook usually didn't know how to be worried, so something stimulating this emotion must have left a strong impression on the small boy.

Behind them was Namjoon and a bunch of security guards, looking utterly shocked.
Seokjin was in a corner by himself, a smirk on his face that gave Taehyung cold shivers just by seeing it. "What's going on?", he asked confused, wrapping an arm around Jungkook who was shivering, pressing himself as close to Taehyung as possible. He'd never seen Jungkook like this.

"Kim Taehyung, you're officially restrained from creating superhumans. I'd like to have a talk with you in my office", Namjoon said, voice distant and serious-, as if he didn't even know Taehyung on a personal level. "You guys take care of Jungkook", he hummed towards the guards and pointed over to Jungkook who was still clinged onto Taehyung, shaking when he saw the guards getting closer.
He wasn't supposed to feel fear. All of this was odd and it made Taehyung question what had happened during the time he was in the panic room.

"Do something", Jungkook whined, "They're going to kill me!"

"What did you do while I was in there?!", Taehyung hissed, anger building up inside his tummy because he had no clue what was happening, everyone seemed to know though. Except for him. "I didn't do anything!", Jungkook whined, "You did."
Taehyung looked confused, "I faced my fears, yeah. That's what you're supposed to do in there!"

Jungkook couldn't get to answer anymore, he got his hands cuffed behind his back and then shoved off to another room. The boy didn't even know how to resist, he was still in shock of how fast a plan could change. Why did Taehyung had to screw everything up? Kook bit his lips and the last thing Taehyung saw of him was the guards kicking the boy's legs to make him walk faster, Kook stumbling and almost falling to the floor. He'd never seen Jungkook like this, looking weak and afraid. That wasn't how Jungkook used to be.

Namjoon grabbed Taehyung by his wrist, harshly. Then he dragged him out of the room and walked him straight to his office. "Namjoon! Let go of me, you're hurting me!", Taehyung snapped but Namjoon wasn't listening, he just pushed the door close behind them and grabbed a chair for the boy, "Sit", he demanded and shoved him down. Taehyung plopped into the seat and looked dumbfounded, "What's your problem, man?"

"You're not one of us", Namjoon stated, sitting down across the desk in his own chair. He put his arms in front of him on the table and deathstared Taehyung. "You created Jungkook well knowing he would not come with emotions. You did this on purpose, you're evil. Just like your little experiment."
"And why would I do that", Taehyung ruffled his own hair, lifting his left eyebrow while thinking hard, trying to understand where this was coming from.

"You made the panic room's system go down with your reaction. A human person couldn't do that."
Namjoon looked frightened just by speaking it out. Yet Taehyung had no clue what this was supposed to mean. "What else am I then? An alien? Funny, we're in space so that wouldn't even be too freaky."

"Our simulation rooms do not have errors", Namjoon said sharply, "But your reaction made it collapse."
"I don't know what's so wrong about my reaction", Taehyung sighed, "I faced my fears."

"No you did not face your fear! You welcomed it. You didn't work against it, you didn't resist. But you didn't break down either. It's like you became your fear. This is unnatural, humans aren't supposed to work that way!"

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