I Will Always Think About You

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"Okay, enough for today.", 2D said after the band finished playing.
All of them put away the stuff and decided to smoke. Soon, the garage was filled with smoke.

"How many songs do we got?", Ace asked before taking another drag from his cigarette.

"Not enough, but I just don't have any ideas anymore.", 2D answered and let smoke escape from his mouth.

"Give it some time D, it'll come to you eventually.", Russel smiled at him.
2D smiled back and continued smoking.

"So when's that gig you mentioned earlier, Noodle?"

"Oh right. Uhhh... I forgot.. I'm gonna text you when I'm home.", Noodle said.

"Won't make much sense, I kinda lost my phone.", 2D laughed.

"WHAT?? Omg 2D! How?"

"I don't know, how do you loose stuff???"
The band laughed in union and continued smoking.
After finishing their cigarettes, they went into the living room. 2D checked the time and sighed.
'Enough socializing for today.', he thought.

"Hey, wanna play some games?", Ace asked the others. Noodle and Russel agreed.
"What about you, Stuart?"

"Oh sorry, but I gotta head home, it's getting late and I don't feel like walking home completely tired like last time.", he lied, but really wanted to go home.

"Why don't you sleep here, then? Come on, it'll be fun!", Ace tried to make him stay.

"No. I really have to go. I'll see you guys soon! Today was awesome!", 2D said.

"Bye 2D!!", Noodle waved and smiled.

"Until next time!", Russel waved as well.
2D walked towards the front door.

"Wait Stuart!", Ace ran to the door.

"Yeah?", he turned around.

"Do you want me to take you home?", Ace asked.

2D gave him a look.
"No, it's fine."

"Are you sure? I have time!"

"No, it's fine.", 2D repeated himself, a little harsher than before.
"I'll be okay on my own, I'm almost 18. I can take care of myself."

"Oh, okay. See ya, Stuart.", Ace was a little disappointed. 2D was happy the whole time, then out of nowhere he's mad.

"Yeah...right..", 2D said before walking away.
Ace was so annoying! He clinged onto 2D like a little kid. Things were going great between them, but no. Ace was being to pushy, again. 2D scoffed and continued his way home. The way home was really long, almost an hour, but 2D didn't like talking the bus by himself. After a long walk, he finally arrived at his house, unlocking the door and heading upstairs. The whole day he felt off. Something was missing and he couldn't make out what. He had this empty feeling inside him for almost a week. After changing, he looked for his sketchbook. 2D loved to draw, but rarely had any motivation for it. Yet that day, he wanted to draw. He walked towards his desk and looked for his sketchbook.
'Where have I put it?', he tried to remember. After not being able to find it, he looked into each and every drawer of his dresser, but it wasn't there either.
"Are you serious???", 2D sat back down on his bed.
Right! The bed!
He looked under every pillow, then the mattress.
Then he looked underneath the bed.
'What's that? ', his eyes shot wide once he saw what layed under his bed.
A guitar case? He took it out of his bed and opened it, only for him to see..
Murdoc's bass.
The stand broke, that's why 2D put it under his bed. He had completely forgotten about it, it's been five months. After that, he remembered that Murdoc was in jail, far away from him.
'How could I forget???', tears started forming in his eyes. It didn't take long for him to start crying.
He forgot.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Murdoc.. I will always think about you..."
After calming down, he continued to look for his sketchbook, but didn't succeed. He gave up and looked at his bed, which the guitar case layed on.
'Should try writing some songs...', he took his notebook and a pen from the desk and sat down on his bed again. He got a new notebook, since the other one was full, that's also a reason why he forgot about Murdoc.
2D stared at the blank page.
He put the pen at the top of the paper and started writing a headline.
'Souk Eye'.

Cigarette Kiss (2doc-Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now