"No.." Pt 1

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There layed Aru, on the cold stone of the museum floor, her body not making the slightest stir. Aiden ran into the main hall to see blood pooling out of Aru's shirt. "Oh no, no, no, no," he thought to himself. "Aru wake up...please...please don't leave me..." he whispered. "F--K!!!!" Why you?!?! Why Aru, it can't be Aru. "Shah, listen to me, you better wake up right now! Don't do this to me...." 

Before he knew it tears were streaming down Aiden's face, falling onto Aru's still body, decorating his eyelashes like pint sized diamonds. Why didn't he tell her earlier? "I'm so stupid!!!" He thought as he scolded himself. 


Aiden's POV

Aru roamed through the Night Bazaar, towing me by the arm so we wouldn't loose eachother. "Aiiiideeeeeennnnnnnnnn," she drawled, "Yes?" I replied. 

Aru: "Can I get some Jalebi????"

Me: "No"

Aru: "Pleeeaseeeee"

Me: "No"

Aru: "How about Gulab Jamun???"

Me: "No"

Aru: "Pani Puri"

Me: "No"

Aru: "Gole Guppa"

Me: "That's the same thing-"

Aru: "Rasgula"

Me: "No"

Aru: "Mathri???"

Me: "No"

Aru: "Chili Peanuts?"

Me: "No"

Aru: "Chakri????"

Me: "No"

Aru: "Your no fun U-U"


As I was dragged along by the arm, Aru found a clearing. Dont ask me how, i dont even know.

She looked up at the moon, the stars reflecting in her eyes. In that moment I knew I had to say something. "Shah..."

"Yes Wifey?"

"You look.."



'shoot acharya you chicken. WTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?"

End Of Flashback

tbc mah luvs.

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