The Umbrella

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                    So, luvs, just play the music while reading the story, I found the music fitting


Aru's POV

Ever since Aiden and I started school together, we had been seeing eachother wayyyy to often for my comfortablity, and the fact she had to see him constantly at her locker because their lockers were next to each other did NOT help. Its not that she didn't want to see Aiden, it was just that wherever he was, his fangirls were, and she didn't want to deal with them. But apart from that, she really enjoyed his company, and loved walking to school and back with him everyday

It was Friday today, and luckily I was able to avoid Aiden and his fangirls so far. as she stepped to the front of the school, she stood at the front of the steps, and then she heard thunder, 'OH COME ON, DAD! what made him mad this time?!?' I thought. Aru LOVEDDD the rain, but she didn't like the idea of Indra throwing a hissy-fit every week, like HONESTLY HES A FULLY GROWN MANNNN!  slowly she stuck her hand out and let the drops fall on it, out of nowhere, Aiden popped up beside her, "Hey," he said, "Hey, Wifey," I responded. I could feel the eyes of probably around 34 jealous girls giving me death stares, but I ignored it, they weren't worth my time. "Ready to go?" he said,"Sure," "Wait," "What?" "I have an umbrella, let's share." I knew it was silly, but I couldn't help but feel a growing warmth in my cheeks, he was so sweet. He pulled out his umbrella, and without hesitation he covered both of us, and as we walked home I couldn't help but stick my hand out and flick whatever water that fell on it at him. He decided to return the favor by gathering raindrops in his hand and smothering them across my hair. We both laughed, and as we got to my house I wrapped him in a tight hug, and to my surprise, HE HUGGED ME BACK, wait WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG


♡ Well that was it for i hope you enjoyed my crappy writing xoxo 


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