Bus Boy

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Aru's POV (She's talking about Aiden):

In the morning, on the bus, you always seem to shine. You laugh with me, and glare when I tease you. As I step off the stares of the yellow transport, the air changes and you don't interact with me as much. Do I embarrass you? We're just friends so why would I?

You ignore me in the halls, not even shooting me a glance. Perhaps in class when I speak you look at me once, with what I think is a smile. I wouldn't know, I can't see you from under the mask.

As we walk to the bus at the end of the day, you act as if you don't see me, much less say a word. I step onto the bus and we sit next to each other. All of a sudden, like nothing happened, you start talking to me with a glow in your eyes, and I can't be upset or even bring it up.

A/N: ok ok sorry sorry. I put Aru's POV just to fit the book, and ik this is different from what I usually write but I needed to vent this somewhere and I just felt like doing it here. It's been happening since the first week of school, so 3 weeks ago. Yeah I'm sorry about this shitpost, Im gonna post more Aru Shah things soon. love you all so much <3

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