Coding Battle!!!

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ok so I wanna start of saying...

IM SO SORRY I LEFT YOU MY CHILDREN!!! IM SOSOSOSO SORRY!!! I was taking a break for some me time since wattpad was kinda getting toxic and stressing me out. BUT IM BACK FOR YOU GUYSSS~~~ IM SORRY IF I WORRIES YALL. ilysm~

"Hey," Brynne said, as she walked into the museum lobby. Both Mini and Aiden had their laptops strewn across their laps, looking intently into the screen. Aru, on the other hand, had somehow finished her homework, and proceeded to watch Netflix and eat cheese. 'Hmmm...It's really boring here...' Brynne thought. Then a lightbulb went off in her head. "HEY GUYS!!!! How about a coding battle between Mini and Aiden?" "What?!?!?" exclaimed Aiden, "IM HORRIBLE AT CODING AND YOU KNOW THAT, BEE." "Well then..." trailed Brynne, "How about the winner has to take Aru out for a treat??" 'Mini you know what to do.' 'Yes ma'am' they communicated through the mind link.

As Aiden and Mini got their laptops ready, Brynne filled in Aru. Aru had never been more embarrassed nor intrigued in her whole life. 'Well this will turn out well for me. I'll end up losing, and I wont take Shah out on a date' Thought Aiden. 'Would that be such a bad thing though?' said the voice in his head, 'Shut up head voice.' thought Aiden, flushed and embarrassed for no apparent reason, leaving Brynne to wonder what was wrong with him, before she realized, plain, hard, cold, fax. (facts.) 

Aiden put no effort into his work at all. He just did basic functions, and was sure Mini would do something complicated,  like she always does. BOY WAS HE WRONG!!!!!!! Mini made sure to have at least 5 syntax errors, purposely did the dreaded parenthesis error ,

(she had to be desssssssperate if she did that. literally hate that error. hate with a capital A. hAte. still not sure how she got it on purpose tho.)

"Wha- b-but, Mini- y-you-" Aiden was cut off by Mini and Brynne sqeauling.


"Wifey, now ya gotta take Aru out." Mini said. Aru was red at the ears, trying hard not to die before she even spoke to him. And with that Aiden was cursed to take Aru to Olive Garden.


"Wow, Shah," Aiden drawled, "I didn't think this was your kinda place." Aru perked her head up, since she had been staring at her lap the whole time. "Yeah, my mom and I used to come here, every time she came back from traveling for business," she sighed, "But ever since I started going out on quests, we haven't done things like that." Aiden suddenly felt pity for Aru, and he thought of how hard it must be for her. Her dad was the sleeper, so she lived with her mother, who was almost always out, or too busy to spend time with her. She was constantly shunned for not being as rich as the others in school, but somehow always came out on top of all of them. She put so much effort into being top of everyone, just to show them that she could, and she would. Not to mention she was always staying back after training, mumbling the same thing over and over again as she punched the rice-filled punching bag, "I hate you, Dad"

Seeing how the mood suddenly got a bit damper, Aiden suggested that they should order quickly, since it was getting late, and he was sure that at this point, Aru wasn't even happy about this anymore. It was the 3 year anniversary of her opening the Diya, after all. They quickly finished up their meal, and call the Otherworld Taxi Service* to drive them home.

*Otherworld Taxi Sevice: Open 24/7, serving all creatures, can be called anywhere, and the best part is... No normal person will ever notice that it flys, because of the magical protection, gifted by Indra and his court!!! (More like his wife, Shachi, forced them too, but lets not talk about their marriage right now.)

A/N: so guys!! howd u like this? do i still have my writer's charm? did i get better? did i get worse?? lmk!!! 

Have a good day or night~

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