So I What????

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I laid across my bed holding Shadowfax up, browsing through my recent photos. I noticed a recent development in my photo album 'Lighting' which was were I kept all of my best lighting pics. Most of the recent pics were all of- Aru????  What???? 'Why are there so many pics of Aru here?' 'The lighting is great though- It captures all of her features perfectly, her beautiful big brown eyes, and those lips with her signature smirk only Aru could pull off. Aru, Aru, Aru...can't live with her, cant live without her.

'Ok Acharya, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!? She's just a friend!!!!! keep it that way!!!!! Love. Like. This. Is. Bad!!!! Do you want to end up broken like your mother?!?!?'

'Ugh, I'm stupid. stupid, stupid, stupid.' 

I walked over to the mirror to give myself a little pep talk. I looked myself in the eye and said "OK, I LIKE ARU, YA HAPPY?!?!?!......... who am I kidding- she..she...i don't know....You know what? let's just see how this plays out. I'm going for the long game. This is going to be sucky and akward. Bye, me."

With that, I sighed and decided to go take a nice walk before meeting the others for chaat.

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