About The Lack Of Updates

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Hi guys!!! I've been studying a lot and I just finished Hindi Midterms. On top of that the Trimester is almost over so I've had a lot of work these past few weeks. There have also been family dynamics that have been taking up my time lol. Fear not, because I promise to update ASAP. It's also my B day tomorrow, so I've been prepping for that as well. I've been taking a break from Wattpad to focus on my mental health, but I assure you that my break is almost over, it ends on Monday. I'm so sorry if you have been waiting for my updates yet not receiving any. Tbh I never expected to get the attention I have gotten in the first place lol. My stuff is literal trash, but if you guys like it, I guess there's something to it after all. Break ends on Monday, and till then...


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