Hey Potatoes

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Sorry I haven't been uploading much the past couple day, some issues came up.

Also I have a theory/question:

I don't think Krithika (Aru's mom) is human (or fully human), how else would she know about the otherworld, and how to use otherworld magic before Aru was born?

I know you can think that "It was because of Suryodhana," but I don't think that's true,

Lets go back to tree of wishes:

She was able to attend the Court of Sky remember, when she was pregnant with Aru,

And I know you could think "Well thats because Suryodhana was in a prophecy," but she seemed to know Urvashi and Hanuman VERYYYYY well

They just seemed to have a connection that they were friends and knew everything about eachother.

It gets me wondering, you know how Suryodhana was part Gandharva, so he loved music and had special musical abilities? (when he was making that singing swan for Krithika) what if KRITHIKA has some magic powers too? I mean, how else would she have been able to use otherworld magic (when she trapped Suryodhana in the Diya) without having it splat her in the face? So if she has abilities, and so does the sleeper,...it means ARU could've inherited those powers too! 

Just some thinking that's been going 'round in my brain.


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