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Aiden's POV

*Walking to the dining room* *hears sobbing* MOM?! What's wrong?!?!
Malini: It's all your fault! If you weren't born he would still be here!

Aiden: Mom I can fix it! I promise! I will find a way! I promise mom! I'm sorry! Please don't cry! Tears well up in my eyes as my mother continues to sob louder and harder every second

Suddenly, the scene changes, and I'm behind the couch, I see me and Aru with the silence bubble around us, but I still manage to hear everything,

Aru: So why don't you do that then?

I throw Kamadeva's arrow of  "Awareness" at my mom's leg, and the as suddenly as the scene shifted, I was back to the front of my house,

Aiden: Thanks a lot for that, Shah, um, I really mean it

Aru: Anytime, You know your welcome at my party, right?

Aiden: Yeah, but I think i'll stay here, Thanks again Shah

I bolted upright in a cold sweat, registering what had just happened.

'It was just a dream..'*sigh* 'I need some fresh Air'

I exit my house and stand on my front lawn only to see Aru across the street.

Aru's POV

There she stood, on the battlefield, across from her sisters. She had just betrayed them.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I jolted upright, choking back tears. I couldn't stand it anymore, the constant nightmares, the evil, that she knew was inside of her whether she wanted to admit it or not.

'I need out' I thought to myself. A few seconds after I went to the front of my house Aiden came out as well. I walked over to him and said "What are you doing up?"

"Same could be said for you," 

"Touché, Wifey," 

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