First Day of Highschool

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Hey Potatoes, I really have been wanting to do this for a while bc its been in my mind so here we go! hope you enjoy! if you don't tell me what i can improve in the comments! xxx


Aru's POV

Well, it was my first day of highschool and i got to was boring and useless, but then again, I fight demons for fun soooo. If theres anything I noticed on my first day, it was that Aiden had like, all  the girls fanning over him, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of...jelousy? NO! He's just my...friend...he's made that as clear as possible. Anyways, did i mention our lockers are next to eachother? No I don't think I did. since today was a half-day for the highschoolers it was 12:00 and we were all packing up. Aiden had a bunch of guys around him and there were some girls looking at him from like, "OMG HES SO HOT OMG OMG" (I could swear I actually heard them say that) across the hallway. If I had it my way I probably would've eloctrocuted all of those girls, but alas, I couldn't. I looked at my phone and it was already 12:15 'OH MY GODS WERE GONNA BE LATE' I yanked aidens arm from behind and everyone in the hall was like 'WuT?!' especially the girls, they looked like they were gonna rip my head off

"Hate to interrupt your conversation but were gonna be late," I said annoyed

"We still have 15 minutes, Sha- HOLY CRAP WERE GONNA BE LATE"

"Thats what I said," I rolled my eyes

He turned around and told his friends that he had to go, then he yanked my arm and we sprinted all the way to Atlanta Elementary. as he grabbed my arm i heard poppy and her 'gang' start muttering stuff like 'How do they know eachother?' and 'Are they dating?!'

As we got to the front lobby of Atlanta Elementary, we took our "Hi my name is" tags and wrote our names on them. The lobbyist looked at me and asked, "Who are you here for miss?" "Nikkita And Sheela Jagan," I replied "Room 23"

As me and aiden walked down the halls of the elemantary school looking for room 23, he said, "You think they'll be surprised to see us at their orientation?" "Nikki, yes, Sheela, I don't know," to most of my surprise, he was holding my hand, 'I can't beleive I didn't notice that before!' As we found room 23, we opened the door to find a bunch of kids with their parents and siblings, hugging and having conversations. 

"Look," Aiden whispered. I turned my head to the spot where Aiden was pointing at, and saw Sheela standing next to Nikkita, who had her back turned. Slowly I snuck up behind her and covered her eyes with my hands, "Guess who..." "ARU?!" Nikkita said in complete and utter shock. I removed my hands from her eyes, as Aiden walked up. Nikki and Sheela engulfed us in the tightest hug ever, and Aiden turned his head to me, his lips in a warm smile, with eyes I could get lost in for days and...and, I'm getting off topic. 

The rest of the day was just meeting with the teachers and a tour of the school. I remember when it was our turn for the teacher conference, the lady said, "Hmm..You two seem a bit young to be parents..?" I felt my face get hot when aiden said "No no...not like that, you see...they don't have parents, so we are going to the orientation," he said with a hint of saddness in his voice. I guessed it was probably the fact that Nikki and Sheela didn't have a family, 'Yes, they do, they have us and Mini, Brynne, and even Rudy.' "Ahh..I see, what is your personal relation to them then? Are they part of your family?" she inquired "Yes" I said.

It was 2:00 and we were walking home, it was below 40 degrees, and i was freezing. Nikki and had came prepared with, in Nikki's words 'fashion forward jackets' I guess Aiden noticed that I was shivering because he said...


JK we all need that Aru x Aiden

"Here Shah," he pulled off his hoddie so that he was only in a shirt now. "But you'll get cold!" "It's fine, just take it, don't make this complicated." As we proceeded walking along the sidewalk with Nikki and Sheela skipping infront of us, i tripped on an uneven part of the sidewalk. 'Prepare to get a huge bruise on ur noise, shah' i thought to myself, when suddenly i felt a warm arm grab me by my waist. as the arm pulled me up, i opened my eyes to see that it was aiden, our noses just an inch apart...when Nikki screamed..."SHIPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I felt my face grow hot, and saw that Aiden's face was red as well, the rest of the walk home was a blur, but what I hadn't noticed was that when Sheela was hugging me at the orientation, she took my phone! and somehow was able to record the first few minutes of the walk when Aiden was being *sigh*

We got home to see Mini, Brynne, and Rudy in the museum auditorium, 'oh right! it's movie night today!' Sheela said that she would start the movie, Aiden had to go to the bathroom, and I went to go get snacks.

Sheela's POV

As I used chromecast to connect to the screen, I took a little detour on Aru's phone, I connected the TV to her phone and played the video clip I recorded earlier. Brynne, Mini, and Rudy, just stared at the screen in utter shock before Rudy spit out his drink, Brynne burst out laughing, and Mini broke into a fit of giggles. Aru and Aiden got back at the same time and saw us all laughing, "What did we miss?" inquired aru, Brynne pointed to the screen and said "Hey Google, play from the beginning," Aiden just stood there with a red face as Aru was chasing Sheela down so she could delete the video. After they watched the REAL movie, they all headed to their sleeping bags to catch some shut-eye.

Back to Aru's POV

As i stared at my phone, i was internally having a debate on whether to delete the video or not, i wanted to but and the same time i really didnt. after about 5 minutes i pressed "Archive" 'Now nobody can see it but me' i thought to myself with warm satisfaction.


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xxx Sona The Potato

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