Anoootherrr Oneshot~~~

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Aiden's POV

'Another hot Saturday afternoon. Just great.' I decided to browse through my camera, since I would be waiting for the others for a couple hours, 'Can't wait to see Aru,' I thought to myself. 'Wait- what-?!?!?' 'whatever,' I just shrugged it off,

As I turned on Shadowfax, I scrolled through the pictures noticing that most of my favorites were pictures of Aru and occasionally group photos with The Potatoes. Slowly brushing my finger over Shadowfax, I saw one specific picture of Aru, the lighting was perfect, it was in Chandra's elevator.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback U-U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I sat down in a seat, Rudy snuggled against my shoulder, he fell asleep relatively quickly, with his sleeping jewel. I noticed Aru staring me kind of..uhh dreamily? Like a waterfall in a beautiful meadow in the Nandana gardens. I couldn't stand the silence, lately she was consuming 50% of my thoughts, but i couldn't figure out why. So I spoke up "Something on my face Shah?" "No," she said, drawing her attention to the chair across her, as if it had suddenly grew eyes. "I just thought you'd try to fall asleep too." I shrugged, "I'm a Pandave adjacent remember? I can't follow you guys into your astral meeting with the twins. Might as well stay awake and grab some shots. I wasn't able to get that many in the Chakora Forest." Vajra glowed, I was suddenly aware of the tension in the room. The weight of the burden of the whole world's safety was upon us. How we all could lose everything with just one mistake. "I don't miss that place," She said grouchily. "If I'd stayed any longer Sohail might have passed out from having to endure the sight of me." By now, I could see that Aru was really tired, she started to close her eyes ever so slowly, before I said one last thing. "Maybe he didn't see you in the right light, Shah." as Shadowfax gave it's soft Click.


welp thats all luvs, buh bai xxx


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