Prologue, Part 2: The Magistrix of Music

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Bartholomew Taloncrest had just said goodbye to yet another group of party guests. One of the women he met, named Jane, took a particular interest to him, to the point that they had promised to keep in touch. He went upstairs and and was about to retire to his bedroom for the evening when, all of a sudden, he was abruptly racked by a headache. In pain, he called for his butler, Thomas.

"Thomas, my good friend...." he said with a groan. "Fetch....her, won't you? I don't know what it is about her, but her music always makes me feel at ease." "Master, if you desire a cure for your headache, I can whip you up some medicine in the kitchen if you would--" Thomas suggested, but he was turned down. "That won't be necessary, Thomas. I believe that she will do just fine."

Thomas sighed. "Right away, Master...." he said reluctantly as he left the room and walked down the hall.

Within minutes, a young-looking girl stood at the entrance to Bart's bedroom. "Good evening, Master Taloncrest," she spoke as she addressed him. "Thomas mentioned you had need of my services again, is that correct?"

"That's right, Melody," Bart replied. "This persistent headache is really bothering me a good deal..." he muttered.

"Do not worry," Melody reassured him. "Come, walk with me to the Conservatory. I'll play you a calming piece. If you don't feel like you can make the trip safely, I can simply go and bring my keyboard back here."

"I think I am fine to walk, but thanks for the offer," Bart answered.


As Melody wrapped up her piece, she got off the stage, took a chair and sat in front of Bart. "Is your headache any better?" she asked quietly.

Bart sighed in relief. "Much better, my greatest thanks to you," he said softly. "No worries," Melody said, smiling. "It's the least I can do for you. You've done so much for me in return, that I don't think I can ever fully repay all of it."

Bart nodded. "The must have been very tragic for you...." he mused. "It almost doesn't seem fair, why such a talented individual has such a fate befall them...."

"I lost practically sheet music, my home, my parents...." she said, on the verge of tears. "I drifted across town aimlessly for a while, until I came to the doorstep of your mansion. You took me in, and gave me a new home. And one with a grand conservatory for me to hone my talents, no less." she continued. "I probably would have died if it weren't for you. So it is my pleasure to see to your needs and ensure that you are healthy." she declared.

"Oh, and by the know playing the piano isn't the only thing I can do, right?" Melody asked him.

Bart laughed. "Of course! You also have quite the singing voice. In fact, come to think of it, I believe that's how I initially received word of your existence in the first place. One of my other servants was out running an errand for me in the town square when they saw and heard you from a distance. They told me about you when they returned."

"Wait, that was one of your people I saw that day?" Melody asked. "I thought it was just some random market customer."

"No, it was definitely not," Bart responded. "I try to have my servants look like everyone else in the village to avoid drawing attention to themselves--or me, for that matter."

"Well, now that you're okay, how about we return to your room? Then you and I can get some sleep," Melody said.


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