Chapter 14: The Taloncrest Matron

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The group headed towards the second floor balcony, thankfully not running into any of Dischord's agents on the way. Once they reached the door, Cooper commented on the lack of resistance from the rest of the ghosts. "That's.....weird. I thought for sure they would still be on our trail. There's no way they just left us alone once we got to the front door." 

"I don't know....maybe they could be planning something again. Regardless, let's just make the most of this situation. Any moment that we're not  being chased is one to be savored." Ricardo responded, opening the way to the small balcony. Within seconds, they spotted the lone specter that Elijah's radar had picked up, but something was off about her. Elijah readied the Soul Vortex and prepared to throw it, but Ricardo made him stay his hand. 

This ghost, who seemed to be a healthy, adult woman, appeared to be in a more than somber mood. She was leaning over the railing, constantly sobbing in despair. "Oh, Bart, my could you not remember me? Were all our years spent together.....all the memories we made....ultimately for nothing?" she cried. James stepped forward and was the first one to speak. "Umm....excuse me, Miss?" 

The woman turned around to the group. "Living.....beings?" She immediately began to perk up as she approached them. "The ability to even see us to begin with.....that is an ability that my husband rarely ever gives out. Surely he must have some good reason. Tell me, who are you?" "Our apologies. We're looking for our friend; she's been abducted and---" Ricardo's eyes widened. "Hold on....did you say your husband gave us this power?" "That's right! Forgive me; in my sorrow, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Jane Taloncrest, wife of Bartholomew Taloncrest, the owner of this household. Have you met my spouse?" she asked curiously. 

"Yes, we have!" Cooper exclaimed. "He and his butler are the ones who kidnapped our friend! They apparently mistook her for you!" Jane sighed. "So....he really has forgotten me....I feared as much....." she muttered. "It all happened so quickly.....I don't even know what exactly occurred." "Okay, what's going on?" Elijah asked. Jane turned to him. "My apologies. Allow me to explain." 

"In life, Bart and I were inseparable. Dare I say we were the picture of what the perfect couple ought to be like. I was always there for him, and he was always there for me. We lived many happy years together, along with Bart's butler, Thomas Kikan. Until.....that night....." 

"It was 1905. Everything was going well! The guests were having fun, and my husband was relaxing on the first floor. I had told him I was going to go grab my journal from my quarters so I could write about that party." She closed her eyes in grief. "I never made it back downstairs. As soon as I took the book, I felt a sudden sharp pain in the back of my neck. I couldn't even turn around to see who or what it was; I already felt incredibly weakened. Everything went black, and I dropped on the spot. When I---or should I say, my spirit---awoke, I was still inside the manor, and my physical body was nowhere to be seen. Within seconds, the spirits of every single one of the party guests, as well as Thomas Kikan and my husband himself, popped into existence, as if they had all been killed at almost the same time."

"I rushed up to my husband and asked him what was going on. my horror, he treated me like a stranger. Like some random guest who had just arbitrarily ran to him in a panic. For some time, I tried so hard, to see if I could get him to remember me in some way. I talked to him about the things we did, and all the people we met, but to no avail. To make matters worse, Thomas would start to shoo me away every time I tried to talk to him, saying that I was 'getting in the way' and 'interrupting the Master's business'. Eventually, I gave up, and ended up in the state you see me in now. To have all those adventures with your loved one, only to have him practically disappear from your life entirely.....and have it happen so suddenly, really is heartbreaking." 

The boys' shocked faces were indescribable. They could hardly believe it themselves. "I' sorry....." Ricardo said solemnly. "Do you have anything left that you think could help him get through to you?" Jane sniffled as she held out a familiar-looking book. "This is the journal I wanted to retrieve from my room that fateful night. Sometimes I would write entries alongside him, but those days are long gone now." Elijah gasped. "Ricky, I have an idea! What if Jane joins us for a little while? Then, if we happen to come across Bart and Thomas again, she can try to show him the journal! Plus, due to her high position within the household, she can probably deter most of the ghosts from attacking us. What do you think?" 

Ricardo thought for a moment. "Sure, why not? It feels good to finally meet a ghost who doesn't want to kill us. My name's Ricardo, and these are my friends; Cooper, James, and Elijah. Your husband and his butler kidnapped my girlfriend, Rose, and took her into their custody. They claimed that she was you, having been 'reborn' into a different form." "What?!" Jane exclaimed. ".....It's astounding how the two of them have come to that conclusion. But....very well. I'll accompany you four on your trip." She looked at Ricardo. "Here's hoping you and I both get a happy ending out of this." 

James piped up. " you know anything about where your husband might be now?" Jane sighed. "Nope, I haven't seen him for quite some time. However, a while ago, I heard a lot of commotion going on at the third floor balcony. Maybe we could start there?" she suggested.

Elijah's face dropped. "The.....third floor balcony....?" "Elijah, that huge paranormal signature you detected from before, at that it still there?" Ricardo asked. The color drained from the boy's face as he stared at the screen. "Yes!" he exclaimed. 

Cooper lightly slammed his fist on the railing. "Darn it!" Ricardo went over to the railing and put his hand on Cooper's back. "Let's just hope Jane can also calm down....whoever that is." "I believe I can. If they're stubborn, though, and decide they no longer answer to me or my husband, then we'll be out of luck. I suggest you all prepare for a fight anyway." Jane recommended. 

With that, the boys, now with Jane Taloncrest in tow, left the second floor balcony and headed upstairs to the third floor.


Meanwhile, Dischord and the two Songsworn agents who had accompanied him to the groundskeeper's bunker were on their way to the third floor balcony as well. "No sign of the living beings yet, Vizier," one of the cultists said to him. Dischord shook his head. "Have them cover every inch of this mansion; I don't want them escaping. She shall obtain their souls, one way or another. The Magistrix wills it; it will be done." "Yes, Vizier. By the way, why are we heading to the third floor balcony? The Conservatory is back on the second floor." "I've received an order from the Magistrix to meet Her there. She says She has a plan to put an end to our....intruders....once and for all." 

Dischord and his two associates entered the third floor balcony, which was much larger than the second one. Dischord looked up to see the prison that Melody had cast around Rose; a gleaming, transparent, spherical force field with two rings of five lines surrounding it, resembling musical staves. And inside it was Rose herself, kept in stasis and suspended in the air. A large grand piano flew around it all, with Melody sitting at its bench. However, she flew herself and the piano to the balcony's floor after seeing that Dischord had arrived.

"You're here, Vizier. Excellent." she said, greeting her champion. "Grand Magistrix, who is that girl up there? I don't recall ever seeing her before....?" Dischord asked confusedly. Melody smiled. " our bait." "What do you mean?" 

"Those boys we failed to capture earlier in the Conservatory seem to have a connection to this girl. Earlier, I heard them on the second floor balcony, stating their intentions to find her. No doubt they will be coming to this place soon." 

Dischord laughed as he began to comprehend the plan. "Perfect! And once they do, we'll be there to ambush them!" "Not just us, Dischord. This time, we will succeed. Contact the Songsworn; let them all know their objective has changed. Tell them to cease their search for the living beings inside the manor, and instead make it known that they are to meet us here." 

"Right away, my Magistrix," Dischord said enthusiastically. "I will return shortly." Afterward, he and his two minions dissipated.

Melody chuckled darkly to herself. "My hour of freedom is finally at hand, intruders! If you all truly wish to save your friend, then come! Don't worry.....I'll be sure to take good care of your souls. Hahahahahaha!" 

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