Chapter 11: The Path to Ascension

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"There will be no eternity for you, I'm afraid...." Melody said. She looked around at her audience of followers, who were watching the event unfold. "Witness the fate of those that would defy the Songsworn," she called out. "Let this be a....motivator....for anyone else who would even dare think of standing between us and our goals." She paused for a bit as the cultists clapped. "It is rather tragic it had to come to this, though....I truly believe that the Songsworn are destined for greatness," she mused. "We are so close to eternal life, my pupils. All we need now are the souls of those four boys. And then, we can finally escape!"

As the cultists cheered again, Melody raised her voice, rallying them even further. "You want your afterlife, don't you?! The sweet release you so richly want to be free, you want to be liberated, and you want to be unhindered! You want to be released from this curse! If you truly wish for us all to ascend, you capture those lowlifes!" she ordered. "YEAH!" the cultists responded enthusiastically. "You have your instructions. This service has ended; you may all go with my blessing." Melody finished.


"Ricardo, it's not safe here!" Elijah spoke to his friend urgently. "Any moment now, all of those zealots are going to be converging on our position. The bunker is the only safe area! We should retreat now while we still have the chance!"

"But....but the groundskeeper...." Ricardo began, but James interrupted. "Ricardo, he's gone. Nothing will change that. But do you know what he would want us to do? He would want us to keep going. To not look back. To see this through to the end, no matter what. I promise you, we will bring a happy ending to all of this. But first, we need to ensure we're actually alive in order to do that. Are you with me?"

After a few minutes spent composing himself, Ricardo nodded, and the four boys fled the Conservatory altogether.


After Melody's rally, the cultists left the music hall and dispersed throughout the mansion, now on especially high alert for Ricardo and his friends. Now, it was just Melody and her champion, Dischord, in the Conservatory. "You continue to surprise me every day with Your power, Grand Magistrix," Dischord commented. "Although....I do have something to ask."

Melody turned to him. "Go ahead."

"That old man....couldn't you have taken his soul? That way we would need only three and not four...."

Melody clenched her fist tightly. If she had a different personality, she might have even stomped her foot on the floor. "My you know what it feels like to be so close to victory, only to have it snatched away from you at the last second? That's how I felt when I learned of the groundskeeper's involvement in our plans. Tell me, long have you and I, as well as the rest of the Songsworn, been in this mansion?"

"For us, it has been 105 years, Magistrix," Dischord replied. "But for you, it is...." "110," Melody finished her vizier's sentence. "Of course. One of the first things You told us was that You were the First Ghost....that You have seen and have known everything. That's one of the many reasons why we follow You." Dischord said.

"Your loyalty is touching. I could not ask for a better vizier," Melody said with a smile. "But anyway, about your question. I suppose I was just angry, that's all. I was so mad that I used that orb to destroy both his body and his soul. Although this method would obviously deprive me of its use, it dooms him to an eternity in oblivion, not even having the pleasure of an afterlife. The mere thought of it brings me great satisfaction. It is nothing less than what scum like him deserve."

"Of course, I understand now." the vizier responded. "You may take your leave now, my champion," Melody said. "Be sure to keep an eye out for our four....guests. Hopefully now, we will not experience any more interruptions."

"Yes, Grand Magistrix," Dischord recited obediently before departing.

Melody looked around to make sure she was alone; then, she bowed her head and closed her eyes. "Thomas...." she whispered softly. "Can you hear me?"

Within seconds, the butler had arrived at the Conservatory. "Greetings, Melody. I was busy helping my master to prepare for an important event, but I suppose I can spare a few minutes. I assume everything is going well....?" he asked her. Melody sighed. "Not entirely. I'm afraid there has been a bit of a....mishap. It may take longer than expected before our bargain can be completed." "Hmmm.....I see...." Thomas muttered. He paused for a bit. "Is anyone aware of what I did to you?" he asked in an intimidating tone. Melody shook her head. "No. As you wish, no one knows anything." "Brilliant. Melody, you should count yourself lucky that our deal has no time limit. Perhaps you have grown lax? The only person you are hurting is yourself, you know. The longer you take, the longer you will be confined to the mansion." the butler explained. "You do remember what I ask of you....correct?"

"Of course. How could I not?" she said. "Remember, Melody, only I have the power to set you free. Get those souls for me, and you'll get your reward. Until will remain here. Separated from eternal happiness. From peace. From your parents." Thomas told her. His words stung, but Melody hid her pain well. "I promise you, it won't be long followers are combing the mansion as we speak," she vowed. "Very well. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some business to attend to with my master. Farewell," the butler said as he dissipated. But in a matter of seconds, he reappeared. "Oh, but I must ask a favor of you....." "What is it?" Melody asked him. She had rolled her eyes in annoyance before turning to Thomas, but she made sure he couldn't see it. "While your subjects search for the spirits you need, would you mind taking a break and doing something for us? There is a rather....stubborn individual currently in the care of me and my master. A girl named Rose." "......." Melody remained silent for a moment; she was unfamiliar with that name. "Your task is to accompany my master and I, and ensure that Rose does not try to escape, as I cannot keep eyes on her at all times. Is this agreeable?" Thomas asked.

"Hmmm....I suppose I can afford to take some time away from this is getting a little dusty...." Melody said. "Very well. I will go." "Oh, and one more thing," Thomas added. "Rose is not a ghost like us; she still lives. That being said, you are not to harm Rose in any way. As tempting as it may be to try to harvest her soul for our quota, I ask that you refrain from doing so. The master and I need her alive." Melody frowned, obviously dissatisfied at this condition. ".....Fine." she said, rather irritated. "If there is nothing else, would you take me to her?" "Of course," the butler replied. "She is being held at the third floor balcony."

With that, the two ghosts disappeared.

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