Chapter 20: Facing the Music

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Ricardo threw open the door and everyone rushed onto the balcony. He looked up, and the first thing he saw was Rose, still unconscious inside the force field. Melody's piano--with her sitting at it--was also flying around the prison, just as it had been before. 

James also looked around the balcony's outer edges, which were lined with row after row of Songsworn cultists. "They're.....everywhere....." he muttered.

Jane gestured to Rose's unmoving form. "I assume that's your friend?" "That's right. Now, how are we going to get her out of there?" Elijah wondered. 

"HALT!" a familiar voice cried out. Within seconds, Dischord stepped out from the spectral crowd. "You may have bested me in the mansion's yard before, but this time shall be different. You're lucky the Magistrix has given us orders to let Her finish this ordeal, else my blade would likely be at your throats right now." 

"Who are you.....? I don't remember Melody ever talking about you, in life or in death." Jane remarked, becoming confused at the vizier's presence. "Ahhh, and I see the mansion owner's spouse is among your number," Dischord commented to Ricardo, before looking at her. "You'll have to forgive my sudden entrance, Jane. I only started working with the Magistrix after Her death. I am Dischord, Vizier of the Songsworn, and the second-highest authority within this movement, just under the Magistrix Herself. Anything She says, goes. She has commissioned the deaths of your more recent travel companions for some time....unfortunately, as you can see, we've run into a few mishaps in the process. However.....that changes now.

With one flick of his hand, Dischord slammed the balcony door shut, with Cooper briefly trying--to no avail--to open it again. "Grand Magistrix! They are here." the vizier said. Soon, the piano that was flying around the force field deviated from its path and descended to the balcony's floor, with Melody getting off of the bench once it had landed. 

Her eyes burned with vengeance as she gazed at Jane's newfound friends. "I take it that the knights are dead? No matter. You four have evaded me for the last time.

"Melody, don't do this," Jane begged. "These people have done nothing wrong. We were going to see my husband and have a chat with him, and you seem to be holding one of their loved ones as a captive. Please....release her, let all of us go, and we'll just forget that anything ever happened." 

"And why would I do that? Do you know how much longer I would have to wait before a new batch of the living arrive at this mansion? It could be weeks, months, or even years!  No....the souls of these four boys belong to me, and me alone!" 

"Why are you so obsessed with them in the first place?" Jane protested. Melody looked down and fell silent for a moment. ".....He.....wants them....." she muttered under her breath. Jane's eyes widened. "What....? Who's 'he'? Please.....explain yourself at once!" 

"Enough! You will stay out of this, if you know what's good for you." Melody retorted. "You would be wise to obey the Magistrix's orders, Jane," Dischord cautioned. "You know only but a taste of the limitless power She wields." 

"We're going to save Rose. Will you let us have her or not?" Ricardo asked plainly. 

Melody grinned and chuckled darkly. ".....I don't think so. You will die a horrible, painful death.....just as the groundskeeper did.

With that, she flew into the grand piano and possessed it, causing it to develop glowing red eyes. Its keys also began twisting and turning along the board, until it resembled a mass of teeth. Its three legs began moving with ease along their joints, providing the piano with mobility. 

The piano glared at the boys while leaning itself backwards lengthwise, as if it were getting ready to pounce. 

With no warning, the grand piano lunged forward, forcing all four of the boys to dive out of the way in different directions to avoid being hit. "Come here....." Melody said tauntingly. 

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