Chapter 30: The Ghostbound Amalgamation

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When the crew opened the door leading to the Courtyard, they were distraught at what they saw. Destroyed topiaries and hedges littered the once-beautiful landscape, the stone fountain in the center had been shattered into rubble, and the wood planks that used to form the numerous trellis structures were torn down and haphazardly strewn about the garden. The lamps, which would have provided light had the power been on, were all broken—their bulbs and covers ruptured, with broken glass around their bases. Even the tool shed was not spared; the only things left standing were a single wall and a shelf with various materials on it.

"Shoot......." James muttered. "Looks like a tornado hit this place...."

Jane almost burst into tears on the spot. "This was one of me and Bart's favorite places on the whole estate.....who could have done this?!" she wailed.

Elijah gasped. "Guys, over there!"

At the end of the northern stone path stood Dr. Octavio, constructing a roughly humanoid sculpture made from the numerous branches, twigs, leaves, wood, and stones that resulted from the Courtyard's destruction. "Perfect.....the shell is complete," he mused. "Now all it a little energy!"

Just then, Ricardo and his friends came running over. "Wait.....Octavio?! Why does he look like that?" Ricardo asked. Cadence tugged on Ricardo's arm. "I told you he was a monster!"

" would seem that the entertainment has arrived," Octavio said, chuckling darkly. "Looking for this, by chance?" he asked as he taunted them further by holding the Breaker Room key up to them, just barely out of their reach. 

"'re disgusting!" Melody exclaimed. "You destroyed the most beautiful place in the house just to fuel your own dark machinations?"

"I did. And I did way more than just that.......Grand Magistrix." Octavio remarked. Melody's eyes widened. "How do you know my.....?"

"'ll find out soon enough."

As the group watched in horror, Octavio stuck his robotic palm near the sculpture's chest, right around the spot where a normal person's heart would be located. An ethereal stream flowed out of his hand and into the heart of the sculpture, beginning to spread quickly. Within seconds, the creature came to life and began moving around on its own.

"What.....what is that thing?!" Cooper exclaimed. "You'll have to forgive me on the quality of this one.....ever since you pests destroyed my lab, I've been somewhat short on materials." the doctor explained.

"After our previous ordeal, I was forced to give myself an upgrade in order to avoid destruction. Although the process was quite painful, I am now so much more than I was before. In the past, I could only harm living humans.....but now? Now even the very ghosts of this mansion are nothing but fuel for me!"

Octavio turned toward Melody. "Go ahead. Walk up to the creature, listen closely to the soul stream that gives it life, and see if you can recognize any of the voices." he dared.

To the Magistrix's shock, amid the many pained groans of the construct's inhabitants, she also heard many familiar voices.

What.....? Where am I?
What is this? Let us out! PLEASE!
Can anyone hear us?!

Cadence came rushing over to Melody's side. "Cantrelle?! Clarion?!" remain out of his grasp. That's good. Unfortunately, we were not so lucky, Cantrelle said.
We are forced to serve HIM now...... Clarion lamented. Run away......before we harm you......

"Indeed, it is as they say," the doctor continued. "Half of all the souls I've devoured thus far have gone towards providing the life force for this creature, the other half of which I have kept for myself. Do you hear their pain, 'Grand Magistrix'? Does it bother you that the people who followed you so fervently in death—and trusted you with all their heart—ultimately ended up resigned to such a gruesome fate?"

"I have captured almost every single worshipper of your pathetic movement, save for you, your second-in-command, and the little one who still stands with you. I could just consume all three of you here and now, but I think it would be more enjoyable to pit you against your own followers, don't you think?"

Angered, Melody fired a lightning barrage in Octavio's direction, but the doctor used his light blue tentacles to block it. "You think that's going to work on me?" he taunted. Then, he looked towards the rest of the group. "What a marvel of craftsmanship, wouldn't you agree? And to make sure you don't just run away......" He took the Breaker Room key and shoved it into the sculpture's interior; it now floated around within the shell. "If you somehow manage to defeat him, feel free to take the key and restore the mansion's power. But if you can't get past this one......I honestly don't know how you expect to defeat me." He gave the abomination a nudge and pointed at the group. "Destroy them!" he commanded.

With that, he walked back towards the mansion wall and began gradually climbing his way up to the roof. "Get back here! You expect us to let you go?!" James exclaimed, sounding rather outraged. He tried to run in the doctor's direction, but Ricardo pulled him back. "Let him go for now. We'll have a lot more trouble keeping an eye out for him in a darkened mansion."

As the abomination turned to face the group and took a fighting stance, Melody stepped forward and attempted to reason with the souls one more time. "Cantrelle.....Clarion.....Songsworn......please don't do this....." she said desperately. Dischord appeared beside her. "You're better than this.....I know it," he added, also speaking to the creature. "You have been with the Magistrix and I for way longer than you've been with Octavio."

After a few seconds of silence, one of the souls inside the creature spoke in reply, its voice identifiable as Cantrelle. is no use......this body is.....not under our control!

"Not under your control?" Dischord asked. "Is it.....him?"

You must......destroy this's your only chance......

With that, her voice faded away once again. "But....." Melody began, but Dischord protested almost immediately. "It's no use, Grand Magistrix. They're completely under Octavio's control now. Remember what Cantrelle and Clarion told us!"

"I......I can't believe it. I won't believe it! Cantrelle! Clarion! Answer me!" Melody wailed, as the rest of the group prepared to fight the monster.

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