Chapter 7: Stitchfang

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The doctor leapt backwards into the next area past the hallway, a large room with a generator device in the middle. He beckoned them to follow, which the boys did. "You can thank my invention, the Shadow Pulse Emitter, or S.P.E. for short, for that little entrance," the doctor commented. "Octavio.....? Never heard of you," Cooper said dismissively. "I am....not surprised," the doctor responded. "I've been around since before all of you were born." "What?! How is that possible? You look just like the rest of us!" James protested. 

Dr. Octavio chuckled. "As human-like as I am, I am an android, not a biological human. In 1903, an aspiring scientist named Dr. Geoffrey Lockwood created me, in his attempts to create and mass-produce artificial droids on a massive scale. We were to serve as mere laborers, servants, minions...." the doctor explained, sounding rather disgusted at the thought. "At first, I was subservient to him and did as I was told. However, I later discovered the truth." He turned around to face away from the three boys. 

"Lockwood had created many other experiments before me, each and every single one of them a seeming failure, one way or another. And what did he do? Did he take them under his wing and teach them how to maximize their performance and efficiency? Did he exhibit the slightest bit of kindness to us? Did he show mercy? No!" the doctor exclaimed. "Instead, he abandoned them. Those brethren....never saw the light of day. Until I came along, that is." "What did you do?" Ricardo asked. "When Lockwood had to leave the basement briefly to go on official business, I hid myself out of view from him when he returned. Once he let his guard down, I pounced on him and killed him. I can still remember it like it was yesterday....the sweet sound of chainsaw blades running through his flesh....the smell of his organs and entrails filling the laboratory...." Octavio said. "WHAT?!" Cooper cried out in shock. 

"You see, the reason why I was even smart enough to get the drop on that nasty scientist in the first place was because he programmed me with an ever-growing artificial intelligence. It's part of why I've managed to master the language of you humans so efficiently. That, and I had over 100 years to think things through." "Wait, you've been around for that long? How are you still here?" Ricardo asked him. "As I said before, I am an android. I don't age." the doctor replied bluntly. Cooper facepalmed. ".....Oh, yeah." 

"Regardless, as cruel as my creator was, he did get a few things correct. My artificial intelligence is one of them. I've also been outfitted with several cybernetic enhancements that he created, too. Finally, I am designed to require neither sleep, nor comfort, nor sustenance, as you humans do. My initial directive was to be a mere servant to Dr. Lockwood. But now, I have given myself a new objective; restore the old fool's creations, and exact my revenge." 

"Revenge? What do you mean?" James asked cautiously. Octavio sighed. "Don't you see? You humans have always been flawed. After I made that jarring revelation that my creator didn't turn out to be all that he seemed, I spent the next several years restoring his other 'failed' experiments. At the same time, because of his actions, I began to doubt the very mentality and behavior of humans themselves. Were they all as careless and as neglectful as he was? To that end, between lab sessions, I would do some research on my own, hoping to gather enough intel to eventually come to a conclusion." 

"When I finally did, I WAS DISGUSTED!" Octavio suddenly snapped as he turned back around, making the boys flinch. "You oppress others and fear that which you don't comprehend, even if they mean well. You alienate people just because they don't share the same opinions as you. You waste all your time making silly music videos. You endlessly lust for obsessions such as the latest tech, more followers, more views, more money...."

James looked over at Cooper. " this guy for real?" he whispered, glancing aside to him. But Ricardo actually understood the doctor, at least a little. "Okay....Octavio, was it? As much as I hate to admit it, you're not necessarily wrong. But you have to understand, not everyone is like that." he said. 

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