Chapter 32: The Doctor's Final Stand

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The group exited the elevator onto the roof, which was decorated in an immensely grandiose manner, with set pieces that one would usually see at a wedding party; trellises, rows upon rows of white folding seats, a red carpet with gold lining spanning the length of the center isle, and several potted plants lining the edges of the rooftop. At the end of the carpet lay a massive altar, with Bart and Rose suspended in floating stasis orbs on either side of it. Thomas, meanwhile, initially had his back to the heroes, seemingly not acknowledging them as they drew closer.

However, when they were but a few feet away from the table, he spoke. "So....the meddlers have arrived. So valorous. So....persistent. But your boldness shall be your undoing."

Jane was the first to speak. "Thomas, why have you done this? Was this the only reason you served under our family? To use us as pawns in your plan?" "Dear Jane, do you fail to understand still? Before Bart married you, you were but one of the many middle-class, average individuals living in our society. Bart, on the other hand, was a wealthy man who had money to spare, and threw parties on a regular basis. A man of remarkable economic standing such as him should never have anything to do with a ragged servant woman whose only purpose is to be seen and not heard." Thomas explained. He then paused for a moment. "....The rough blade from the knife I used that night certainly worked quickly. Part of me didn't think it would work," he taunted.

Thomas' last two lines instinctively caused Jane to try and rush forward to attack him, but Discord held her back. Then, Melody stepped up, her palm already charging up a lightning pulse. "Before I subject you to a world of pain that has remained unknown to you until now, there is still one thing I don't get," she said. "Ahhh, Melody....the expert pianist. I must admit, you did make my job at the mansion a bit easier. You would entertain him for hours on end while I got some much-needed rest. Still....things started to go downhill, so I did what I had to do. But don't get me broke my heart to put that poison in your tea...." Thomas lamented.

"So you're a two-time murderer...." Ricardo muttered under his breath.

"Why did you kill me?" Melody asked, barely able to restrain her rage. "To fulfill your sick urges? To have Bart all to yourself?"

"Well....I must confess that you were taking up a lot more of his time than I had initially thought," Thomas replied. "Bart kept going to you for more and more things, and subsequently, I started hearing less and less from him as time went on. I felt like I was losing my purpose as a butler. I knew you had immense talent, but felt that at the same time, if something wasn't done, Bart would eventually have no more use for me and kick me back onto the streets."

"You robbed me of my life!" Melody wailed. "You couldn't have tried finding a better solution to the problem? Maybe arrange for the three of us to talk together and say how we felt about the situation?!"

"I went with the solution that would cause the least trouble. If I tried to go about this civilly, there would always be that risk of refusal from the Master." the butler continued.

"Surely you know about my upbringing; Bart has undoubtedly reminded you several times in the past. My own house burned down. I had no home for quite a long time. When Bart took me in, I thought...." Melody sniffled. "I thought things would start looking up. But then you came along. I didn't have a good life, and I didn't have a good death, either, thanks to you!"

Without any warning, Melody immediately began bombarding Thomas with a lightning barrage while Ricardo cut in. "Release Rose this instant, you monster!" he demanded. Thomas did nothing but laugh heartlessly. Although he was hit by Melody's initial bolts, he used the power of Abdiel's amulet to create a field in front of him to absorb the rest of her attacks. Seeing as her electricity was now useless, she stopped.

Then, Thomas turned away from the heroes and opened a large, circular portal on the back wall of the altar, seemingly leading to a different dimension altogether. He took the stasis orbs containing Bart and Jane and prepared to depart with them in tow. "Well....if you ruffians think you can stop me, then follow me....if you dare. I'll give you all a fight you'll never forget!" he said before going through the gateway.

Ricardo and the others immediately tried to follow, but the portal conduit was almost instantly shot down and destroyed by a pair of dark energy beams. "What?!" he cried. "What was that?!" 

Just then, a series of shadowy tentacles reached over the rooftop behind them, with a towering, familiar-looking abomination soon climbing up onto the platform before them once more. "You will further," Octavio declared.

James rolled his eyes. "I had a feeling you might show up."

"You've destroyed the Ghostbound Amalgamation, ruined my lab and dispatched my zombies. You have earned my ire," the doctor sneered. "Humanity is not worthy of this planet! All they do is bring death, decay, and pestilence to the environment; my extensive research proves this."

"You're wrong!" Ricardo countered. "You would see all of mankind destroyed, not just the bad ones!" "I am trying to save this world from the scourge you bring to it. Then, I will start over, creating an entirely new species that knows nothing but how to properly treat this world," the doctor explained.

"Once I defeat you, I shall assimilate your souls into my new body to gain immense power; I will be like a god to the population of this planet."

".....Wait, what?" Elijah said. "Are you saying we're nothing but food for you?!" "That is exactly what I'm saying," Octavio replied. "This upgrade has made me more than a simple android. The power I possess now is unfathomable!"
He extended his right arm, which now looked more like a gooey appendage than anything, and revealed a hidden blade within it, which was dripping with some sort of light-blue, glowing substance.

Thinking quickly, Dischord materialized four rapiers out of thin air and turned them corporeal for Ricardo and his three friends to use, throwing them towards the boys. "Here, take these!"

"Thanks, Dischord!" Cooper called as the crew successfully gripped onto them.

"Humans! Prepare for your destruction!" Octavio exclaimed.

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