6. Stolen.

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The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense. Seokjin patiently waited in the room with other members of importance, tapping a foot as he kept his nerves at bay. He had sent Yang Dohwan to the entrance to fetch Taehyung when he arrived and just the thought of facing him made it all worse.

The door suddenly flew open and Taehyung strode in, his eyes ablaze. "What do you mean Queen's Ace is releasing our product?"

"I- I am terribly sorry. They got hold of our product design somehow and they are releasing it this month." Seokjin said, softly.

"You mean someone stole them?! WHO?" Taehyung shouted, making the members of the room flinch.

"We are- we are not sure who-"

"And you don't even know who?! Seokjin, do you know how long we've been working on that project? Do you know how much of the capital is going to go to waste?" Taehyung lashed out.

"I-I know, Sir."

"Then why didn't yo-" The door to the meeting room swung open. A pale man young man with cold dark eyes and an air of aloofness stood by the door. He strode in along with his secretary Woo Suho, his dark sharp eyes focused on Taehyung. 

Min Yoongi.

Taehyung whirled around to face his new partner who was watching him with a look that conveyed nothing short of displeasure.

"Mr.Kim Taehyung," He began his deep mellow voice, ominous and calm, "What is this that I hear about a stolen project design?"

"Mr.Min Yoongi, it's nothing. We'll sort this matter out within-"

"Did you catch them?" Yoongi cut him off, his voice calm and cold. Taehyung only hung his head in shame, "No."

The man sighed, the soft sound seemed to reach the whole room and everyone held their breaths. "Is this the kind of Company I am supposed to work with? Mr.Kim Taehyung, are you sure you can handle the responsibility of a CEO? It's a huge one."

Taehyung lifted his head back up. What he meant was as clear as crystal. He was questioning his competence. Taehyung opened and closed his mouth unable to find a response. What was he supposed to say?

It was then that a figure appeared from beside him, her eyes trained on the pale man.

"Absolutely," Hyein replied with a confidence that surprised him, "We'll surely find a way out of this situation. We'll even make sure that we find the betrayer, whoever it is, within five days."

"Make it three."

Hyein had no choice but to nod her head in confirmation. "Alright."

"Three days. Within three days you must either find a solution or you should find that spy. If you fail, consider that partnership dissolved." He didn't wait for a reply as he turned around and left the room leaving everyone's jaws hanging open. Moments later it was utter chaos. How were they supposed to come up with a solution within three days? As for the spy, that seemed like the only way out of the situation. If they failed, Ethereal would have to face highly severe consequences.

Hyein turned towards him wanting to know if he was okay. So did the members of the meeting. Taehyung ignored the stares and strolled out of the room.

 Taehyung ignored the stares and strolled out of the room

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