23. The bawling ceremony.

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As soon as he had gotten checked out of the hospital, Taehyung rushed towards the Ethereal. Because he had come in Yoongi's car he could only go back with him. His phone was destroyed and Yoongi insisted that he drive him back to safety as he promised to Hyein. Taehyung was exasperated. At least, let him drive the car, but no, the old man wouldn't allow him to do so since he had to rest. So Taehyung sat in the seat, arms folded impatiently as Yoongi drove the car through the traffic. All the while he looked amused at the younger one's impatience. He watched as Taehyung fidgeted in his seat and he couldn't help but grin at him.

The traffic was so crowded and it irritated him to the core that it wasn't moving as fast as he had wanted to. Maybe it was best that he wasn't the one driving.

After several minutes of agony, Taehyung had finally reached Ethereal.Co when Seokjin came jumping down the stairs in tears, dabbing a napkin at his eyes as he threw his hands around him.

"Taehyung! I'm so glad you are okay. It's my fault. It was all my fault. I should have known. I shouldn't have hired him!" Seokjin cried as he sobbed into his shoulders and Taehyung patted the older man with quick impatient pats. "It wasn't your fault, Hyung."

"Of course, it is!"

"Well... then, it is," Taehyung replied, trying to push the older man off but he only strengthened his hold.

"I know!" Seokjin bawled as he squeezed Taehyung. " I am sorry. I should have known... I should have figured it out.." He looked around trying to look for a way to escape when his eyes landed on his lawyer and his brother watching the scene empathetically.

"Namjoon Hyung! When did you arrive in LA? Actually don't answer that. Can you get him off of me?" Kim Namjoon nodded his head and pulled Seokjin back, "Come on now, Jin. Let's calm down."

"No, let go! My child is hurt, can't you see? Oh, Taehyung. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Yoongi couldn't help the snort that had escaped him and he turned back to his car to hide his face. Things only seemed to get worse as Seokjin insisted on crying on to his shoulders as Namjoon and Jimin tried to pull him away from the stubborn grip he had on Taehyung as the old man, who was supposed to be his 'godfather' was not doing anything but laughing at the scene. 

Then suddenly his savior arrived wearing a black prim neat suit and his hair styled professionally exposing his majestic forehead. A cool composed voice cut through the commotion, laced in steel and venom sending chills down the spines of everyone who had gathered up at the entrance.

"What's going on here?"

The effect it had on the people was instantaneous. Seokjin shut up and Yoongi's giggles ceased as they all turned back to face the third son of the Kim family, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook strolled down towards the entrance, his cool eyes raking over everyone analyzing and ranking them in order. Though he was the youngest, Jungkook was the scariest of the Kim brothers. 

"Mr.CEO, I believe you have someone important to meet right now. You'll find them in your office."

Taehyung nodded surprised as he escaped out of Seokjin's clutches and dashed up to the elevators. What was that? Had Jungkook really helped him out of that bawling ceremony?

Jungkook's cool gaze landed on Seokjin and the poor guy shivered. "Mr.Kim Seokjin, do you not have any work to do other than tainting the company's image by making a scene at the entrance?"

Seokjin straightened to attention, "I do, Sir."

"Then go do it," Jungkook ordered. Without a moment's delay, Seokjin scurried up the stairs, barely managing to not fall down, to his office and Jungkook whirled around to face the others. All of them scrambled off at the man's cold gaze and he grinned in evil satisfaction.

Taehyung pressed the button to his elevator and it slowly ascended to the topmost floor where his office was located, and finally, the doors slid open to the hallway. He ran down the hallway. Just as he was about to reach the door, it swung open and Hyein stepped outside a stack of papers in her hands.

He froze, so did Hyein upon meeting his eyes. And they just stared, no one quite willing to make a move as they only watched each other in silence. Finally, Taehyung broke it.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I got angry at you. I'm sorry, I was foolish and I also got into this mess. It's all my fault. It should have tried to understand your perspective. I should have a-at least tried..tried to do something but I ran away. I am a coward. I only proved that I was a-"

Taehyung was suddenly cut off when he felt the presence of a pair of arms embrace him and he looked down, surprised.

"H-hyein." Hyein buried her face in his chest.

" Scthew ithz Thaefhyunmf." Her reply came out muffled through his shirt material. Taehyung furrowed his brows as he couldn't comprehend what she was saying, "What?"

Hyein lifted her head and looked up at him. "I said, screw it! I don't care anymore."

And she buried her face back into his chest without releasing the hold. Taehyung smiled. He brought his hand and ran it down her hair as a warm feeling spread through him and his lips tugged up even more into a distinct wide rectangular shape.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he spied a few of the office workers watching their exchange with wide-eyes, whispering among themselves back and forth, one or two were bold enough to sneak out their phones. Taehyung could feel the click of the cameras going off. Rumors about them would certainly fly before they could even reach South Korea. There would be a lot of repercussions to face, but Taehyung only smiled.

He didn't care either.

A/n: Yes finally! There's only one more chapter to go and we are done

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A/n: Yes finally! There's only one more chapter to go and we are done. WOOHOO!

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