17. We need to talk.

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"No....no... Ma!"

Taehyung's eyes snapped open as he lay on his bed panting heavily. Cold sweat dotted his forehead and his fingers clutched his bed sheets tightly as if they were his lifeline. It was that awful nightmare again. Taehyung thought going into therapy would ease them, but it didn't. They kept coming back.

Embrace it. Know that it's a part of you.

Embrace it, they said. Taehyung scoffed. How could he do that when all he wanted was to bury it deep inside of him. How could he embrace something he hated with all his heart? He pressed his elbow onto the bed and got up looking at the time. 9 pm? When did he even fall asleep? Why had he gone to bed so early?

Taehyung couldn't remember. He mindlessly made his way into the bathroom and washed his face. Drops of water splashed into the mirror and as he looked up to his own reflection, something deep in him stirred. He felt awful.

This won't do. He needed something. A distraction maybe. Even a snappy, cold-hearted secretary would do. He texted her number.

Are you asleep?
Where are you?

Close Hyein❤️

I'm downstairs at the hotel bar.

Taehyung pulled on his coat as he made his way downstairs, wondering if she had let go of her anger about the whole Eunhye issue. From the day they had the discussion, Hyein was hell-bent on digging up dirt on Eunhye. She wouldn't talk, she wouldn't take a rest, she just had to prove her point.
It was silly really. Hyein was just jealous and her prideful self was a little too stubborn to accept her defeat. Taehyung found that amusing, but it gets annoying when she refuses to talk to him. Why was she letting something so trivial get in their way? She was seriously too stubborn for her own good.

It was pretty late. What was she doing in the bar, alone? Didn't she know it was not safe? Reckless, I tell you. He shook his head. Better get to her quick before some creep does.

Taehyung's elevator dinged open and he strolled out of it to the bar where Hyein said she was.

Just as he reached the entrance, he was surprised to see her standing with the guys, laughing and smiling without a care in the world. The guys, being his older brother and Jin Hyung.

"I know, it's high-larious!" Seokjin gushed, his laughter squeaking like the wipers on a car does when it rains. He was narrating some story about his vacation with Namjoon and Namjoon had wanted to try cliff diving at that time because he wanted to conquer his fears or something. He never got tired of talking about it. It was the most hilarious thing ever and when he finally came up from the water after his dive, he hadn't looked so good. Hyein was chuckling, covering her mouth with her hand as Jimin was literally shaking with laughter by her side.

"And the way Namjoon was screaming," Seokjin was narrating in between his laughter, "I swear a dying Pterodactyl could never..."

A loud snort left Hyein without her meaning to and she keeled over with laughter. "I have only seen him twice, but I can actually imagine that." Hyein sputtered out gasping for air as she giggled.

"It's funny, right? Especially when he looks terrified, he makes this ugly expression on his face- hahaha," Seokjin was barely controlling himself from falling down onto the floor.

Standing there laughing among them, Hyein looked ... comfortable. Nothing like she had ever been with him before. She looked carefree, gentle, almost as if she were a whole other person. Taehyung felt something unpleasant crawling up his spine. What was this feeling? It felt bitter and cold and wiggled inside of him like a nasty worm. His mood suddenly turned sour and he didn't quite feel good. Hyein's smiling eyes met his soon they were replaced with her normal cool expression. "Taehyung?"

He turned back. He didn't want to talk to her right now. If he did, things would get messy. He was in an awful mood. He was not himself. Hyein quickly excused herself from the guys and ran up to catch up with him. He lengthened his pace.

"Hey, Taehyung wait-" She caught up to him and tugged on his coat sleeves before he could get away. "What are you doing? Why did you want to see me?"

He looked towards her and when he met her genuinely curious eyes, he sighed. He just couldn't keep it in anymore. He took her wrist in his and pulled her upstairs to her room. Hyein was practically being dragged up the stairs and she was just so surprised by the sudden aggressiveness that she didn't resist. Instead of taking the elevator, Taehyung decided he would just climb up the whole staircase to the 7th floor. He was too angry to even care.

Huffing and puffing as finally, they reached her room, Taehyung closed the door behind him. He turned back to her, his cold grim eyes meeting hers and he said.

"We need to talk."

A/n: So finally they are going to talk

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A/n: So finally they are going to talk. 

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