19. The promise unmade.

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"Yoongi, tell me this is not you!"

"This is not me. What, what? What's happening?" Yoongi asked from the other end, a little caught off guard at her sudden outburst through the phone.

"You said you were checking something. You told me to stay out of his business." Hyein yelled. It took him a few seconds to actually figure out what she was talking about, when he finally did, he answered.

"Yeah, I did but I didn't do anything yet. What's happenin-"


Hyein hung up, her finger shivering. Taehyung... he was kidnapped. She had run around the whole building and tried to see if he was still there but it was no use. She even ran up to the parking lot but it was too late. He was gone.

What should I do? What should I do?


She had to call the police, she took her phone and typed in 911 but before she could press the call button, her phone rang. The caller ID was unknown and the number looked weird. She however answered the phone.

"I hope you haven't called the police yet." The voice on the other end spoke.

"No." Hyein replied.

"Good girl. We have Taehyung. Calling the police wouldn't do him any good." The voice threatened. It didn't sound like a threat. It was calm as if he was talking about the weather and mocking.

"Where is he?" Hyein asked calmly, pressing the phone against her ears, her voice laced in venom.

"Now, now we shouldn't rush. Let's take our time, I know Taehyung is your boyfriend and all but calm down. Do you know how hard it was to get him? Especially when you are always around him and not to mention that you're too observant. Annoying but an admirable trait. Thanks to your-"


"Whoa, whoa.." The voice at the other end chuckled. Hyein's knuckles turned white as she clenched her fists.

"Don't play with me. I know who you are, Yang Dohwan. And I know you're the spy from Zara."



"Oops, and here I was thought I could trick you with a voice changer. You are smart. Just like I expected." Yang Dohwan complimented, a hint of certain triumph and scorn in his voice. He laughed again, clearly enjoying her frustration.

Hyein exhaled deeply.

"What do you want?"

"And now we're talking business." Dohwan said, "Hmmm... What do I want? You should already know. But since I am feeling quite kind I'll spell it out for you.... Bring down Ethereal."

"... wha-how?"

"Come on...," he groaned, "Think Hyein-ssi. Use that clever brain of yours. The CEO is out of the way now, so what could his trusted secretary do?"

Yang Dohwan waited for an answer like a teacher would wait for his student. When he received none, he let out an exasperated sigh.

"Slush funds! Corruption! Conspiracy! whatever you prefer. Come on now. I know you're smarter than that."

Hyein pursed her lips as she held the phone to her ears. Dohwan could practically sense the gears rotating in her head. Finally, she said.

"Fine, but on one condition. Don't hurt Taehyung."

Dohwan cheered from the other end. "Yes, of course, I can guarantee you that."

"How can I trust you? How do I know you have not already hurt him?"

"He's fine~" Dohwan pressed gleefully, "Just a little roughed up since he put up a fight but he's good."

"I need proof." Hyein hissed.

"Alright, alright. I'll send you a picture, will that do?"


"Okay, hold on..." Dohwan said as he put the phone on hold. A few seconds later, Hyein's phone dinged and she received a photo of Taehyung tied to a chair, knocked out.

"There. Now keep your word. Bring Ethereal.Co down. Adios."


The call duration lit up on her phone. Along with the notification that the call had been recorded.

Hyein saved the file on her phone and walked off into the building, her troubled pretense fading away replacing it with her usual cool self.

"I never promised anything." 


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