Random Rants pt2 Deleted scene

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Fun Fact: In my arc 2, when I took out Hyuna, Jungkook was supposed to become our Second Male Lead who was going to give you major second lead syndrome.

Jungkook was as I mentioned, a cold brother but there was a reason for his coldness, in arc 2. Jungkook was the black sheep of the family, the outcast of the Kim brothers. Unlike the other two, Jungkook was not going to be a blood-related son of Taehyung's father. But having the consideration of heir to Ethereal because he was a part of the family, Jimin and Taehyung were supposed to be jealous of him. 

Having led quite a lonely sad childhood, Jungkook was going to become the most brilliant of the Kim Brothers. Someone who had a soft spot in him that Hyein was going to bring forward. 

Here's a deleted scene of their first meeting.

CH: Some random man in the hallway

 [His Royal Arrogance- The scene was replaced with the first party 'The Secretary I have heard about.' The party was initially supposed to be a family dinner at Kim's Mansion.]

Hyein walked through one of the grand hallways of the Mansion. She had excused herself from the dinner table saying that she was going to the restroom. When in reality, she just wanted to get away from the tense and awkward dinner. It was suffocating. They never actually spoke to anyone except some occasional comments from Mr.Kim, the chairman about business and some other matters Hyein wasn't aware of. The table was relatively quiet except for the clinking of the cutlery and few flirty comments from Jimin, who seemed to have noticed her uneasiness. It wasn't entirely about being polite though; Hyein did notice the way he had sneakily asked her questions about Taehyung which she was clever enough to dodge. After a few more minutes of just listening to the clinking of cutlery, eating (the food was delicious though), and occasionally dodging the gaze of Mrs.Kim, Hyein had had enough. So she had promptly excused herself from the table and now she wandered along the walls of the giant building, unsure of what to do. Finally, she decided she would go to the restroom and just wait there until the dinner was over.

Walking all alone, whistling a tune Hyein observed the building. Had she mentioned that the building was magnificent? Huge, long curtains decorated the hallway along with a few lights and an occasional painting of grumpy-old dudes adorned the walls and Hyein couldn't help but laugh at some of their expressions. Some of them were outright creepy while others looked comical. She was so preoccupied with the paintings that she didn't look where she was going and soon bumped into a wall.

"Ouch!" Hyein cried, rubbing her forehead as she looked up. It was then that she had noticed that the wall she had bumped into wasn't really a wall but a man. Hyein's eyes widened at the realization and she quickly cried out, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was going."

The said man just stood there folding his hands, scanning her entire being with cold dark eyes. He was handsome, to say the least, with his sleek dark hair and well-defined features. He didn't respond to her apology and kept staring back at her as if she were an alien who had invaded his home which she probably was. Hyein felt awkward, not quite knowing how to respond.

"Uhh...um, do you know where the restroom is?" She asked, smiling politely. The man didn't reply; instead, he wordlessly pointed his thumb towards the end of the hallway. Mumbling a quick, awkward thanks Hyein rushed out of there, away from his presence towards the end of the hallway. The man stood there and watched Hyein walk away.


Hyein came out of the restroom a bit later and gingerly peeked inside the dining area. Thankfully the god-awful dinner had come to an end Taehyung stood there waiting for her with a frown upon his face.

"Where have you been?" He asked as he led her out of the dining area towards the exit.

"The restroom, where else would I be," Hyein replied as they walked out of the building.

"I told you to observe Jimin.

"I did," Hyein replied as Taehyung unlocked his car and got into it. It was already past eight by the time and the stars were visible in the dark night sky though they were dim as they were in the city. The garden of the mansion was lit up in different decorative colors and Hyein could never get over its beauty. In fact, she was so moved that she even promised herself to earn enough money by retirement to make one for herself. Sighing contently, she stared out of the window of the car for one final glance of the mansion when she noticed someone standing there by the balcony staring back down at her. The man from the hallway. Awkwardly, she waved her hands, smiling back at the guy which he didn't return.

"Who are you waving at?" Taehyung asked, turning on the ignition.

"Oh, just some random guy I saw in the hallway," Hyein replied to his bewilderment. Bending down to get a better view, Taehyung looked up the balcony.

"Jungkook was here?" Taehyung asked, a bit coldly turning towards Hyein who had then gasped in surprise.

"That's Jungkook?"

Taehyung gave her a long look. Sighing tremendously, he pressed down on the accelerator and they sped away from the mansion.


And yes,  even though Jungkook was the softest and brilliant character in the story, Hyein was going to choose Taehyung over him. I felt bad for Jungkook and I wondered why it should be like that. Also, Taehyung was going to be a real a*s in this arc. So I changed it.

Taehyung is still a jerk but a cute jerk not a jerk with issues. So that's what happened. It was around the time I was hit with a major writer's block. I knew what I wanted to write but I just couldn't write it. Even if I forced myself to write it, I was never satisfied. Later I would look back at the same chapters and realize they were some of my best chapters.

*Shaking my head*

Just know that I am a real Genius, jang-jang man boong-boong.

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