18. Insecurities.

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Taehyung walked forwards to her and stopped right in front of her. As he stood there, staring into the blue pools of her eyes, Hyein felt something was different. What was this?

Is it about Eunhye again? She sighed, eyes drifting away from his stare. She could understand that he wanted to believe her, but does he really have to keep bringing her up? That only made it worse. But when he parted his lips and spoke, she was surprised.

"Why are you acting like this Hyein?" His voice rumbled. It sounded so strained, Hyein was surprised. She had only seen him so angry and hurt once before when he fell asleep in the car and was having nightmares. The deep frown on his face was nothing like Hyein had ever seen before.

"W-what do you mean?" She asked softly.

"Why do you treat me so differently?" Hurt. Anger. That's what flowed through his voice, which had turned even deeper. Hyein had thought about it. She did treat him differently but she didn't know it would affect him so much. It wasn't like she was doing it on purpose. No matter how she tried, she just couldn't open up to him.

"When you are with me, you are so cold and distant. As if... as if you're trying to put up a wall. I seriously can't fathom. What's holding you back?' He yelled. He seemed desperate as if he really wanted to know. Hyein didn't have an answer.

"Or.... is it me? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, his fingers curling into fists.

"Tae, that's not-"

"Am I not enough?"

As his intense stare bore into her, he almost looked ... lost. Insecure. He wanted an answer and she had to give it to him. She looked down, her palms slowly came up to cover her face.

"I... I am scared." She spoke, subtle tremors taking over her form. "Taehyung, I am scared. What if... " She turned away, the emotions she had tried so hard to conceal were showing their true colors. "What if...one day you'll leave me? I- I don't want to get hurt."

Taehyung's eyes widened in shock. He wasn't expecting that. And the way she spoke as her voice quivered, she looked so vulnerable. Afraid. Taehyung took a step forward.

"Hye, I would never leave you."

She scoffed, a bitter smile tugging at her lips as her eyes glistened.

"That's exactly what my father used to say. And did you know Taehyung, he left us. He abandoned us for money. Tae I just hate - hate people with money and you just happen to have that a lot. Though I know it's absurd to compare you with my father and I know you are nothing like him. I just- ... just can't help it. That feeling... it's there. Always...."

Hyein slumped down on her bed, as she watched her fingers tremble.

"I tried Taehyung, I honestly tried to let you in. I thought I could shove them back. I thought I could let them go, but I can't... I just can't bring myself to trust you...to trust that you would stay."

Since it was something she kept inside of her for a long time, it slipped out and it was a weight being lifted off her chest. But Taehyung didn't look too good.

"Ah... I see," He whispered.

Instantly, Hyein felt something tug at her heart. Guilt. He was hurt.

"... I'll see you in the morning... Ms.Lee. Goodnight." He turned back and walked away.

"Taehyun-" Hyein tried to call but the door slammed shut, cutting her off.

Ms.Lee? What was that formal tone?

Hyein kicked off her shoes. He was hurt but wasn't that what he had wanted? An answer?

She was confused and scared. What was she supposed to do? Hurting him was never her intention. She wanted him to be happy. She wanted to be there for him, but her goddamn*d past and her insecurity would not let her. It always held her back. What would she do now?

She wanted to go and talk to him, but what will she even say? It's not like anything she said could make things better.

Hyein thought everything would work out if she just hid her emotions. If she were just careful but it didn't. It only hurt her, him. Everything was going wrong.

What should I do?

Should I go talk to him?

What would I even say?

She fell back to her bed, and just laid there staring up at the ceiling. He said he would see me in the morning. I'll talk to him then.

It didn't help. It felt as though something was blocking her airway and she couldn't get it out. She pressed her face against the pillow. Urgh! I'll talk to him in the morning. Everything will be fine.


He wouldn't want to leave me now, would he?

She shot up from her bed. She couldn't do it anymore. She had to talk to him.

Getting up from her bed, determined, she made her way towards his room. She opened the room and walked towards room no.1505, but as she reached the door she was surprised to find it half-open.

She gingerly made her way inside the room, gulping down as nerves took over, but... something felt wrong.

Something felt out of place.

Her footsteps quickened. A gasp left her as she reached his room. The whole room was turned upside down. Bed Sheets crumpled and ripped, furniture knocked over, flower vases shattered and in pieces. Something on the floor grabbed her notice.

His phone was on the ground crushed and destroyed.

Taehyung was not there.

Taehyung was not there

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A/n:  . . .

I don't have anything to say... Well, double update! YAY?

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