9. Make me.

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It was Taehyung's turn to bounce down the office building. He was partially annoyed at the fact that she had not attended the meeting they held just minutes before but he would let that go for now. The only thing he wanted to do was to let her know that she was right. He could absolutely handle being a CEO. Because he had found a way.

Well, it wasn't technically entirely him, to say the truth. Half of the idea came from his brother, Jimin. He was a bit jealous that he wasn't the one who first came up with the idea. Nevertheless, he didn't care too much about that fact. All he cared about was finding Hyein.

He found her standing at the balcony on a phone call and he rushed up to her.


"HOBII! I'm so sorry, I didn't call you. I had a lot of work!" Hyein cried into her phone.

"You could have still texted me. Did you know, I was waiting for your call the whole day and I couldn't sleep!"

Hyein could almost feel her best friend's pout from the other end of the line and she smiled.

"Aww, I'm sorry Hobi. I was busy, I had this huge, important businesseu."

A groan sounded from the other end of the phone line at her weird impersonation of his accent. "You know, I can pronounce it the right way now. No need to make fun of me for that."

"Oh, really?" The teasing in her voice was so evident, she could feel his annoyance. However, she failed to notice the annoyance of certain someone as he came up and stood behind her, a frown on his face.

"I can, really." Hoseok replied and she chuckled, "yeah, yeah, I believe you."

Taehyung sighed. She hadn't even noticed him as he stood behind her. Hyein was giggling with mirth at some comment her friend Jung Hoseok had made. Taehyung didn't quite like the way her laughter tinkled when she talked to him.

"Don't even think about going there, Jung Hoseok."

"But I haven't even asked you anything?" Hoseok chuckled from the other end.

"I can guess what you are about to ask just by your tone. Don't you dare think-"

Her phone was suddenly whisked out of her hand, and Hyein whirled around surprised to see Taehyung behind her holding the phone to his ear, his eyes on her.

"Hello, Hoseok-ssi."

Taehyung and Hoseok had only met once at a Cafe by accident. Well, Hyein was not entirely sure about the accident part, but Taehyung still remembered Hoseok, and every time she brought him up, he would scowl and he didn't even bother to hide it.

There was silence. Then slowly, the voice at the other end spoke up, certain mischief seeping into his tone. "Taehyung-ssi?"

"Ah, yes. It's been a long time. How have you been?" Taehyung asked, his voice curt and polite.

"I am just fine. Thank you for asking." Hoseok replied, a little gleefully.

"That's nice. I am sorry I haven't been able to be in touch with you." He apologized, and Hyein who was glaring at him rolled her eyes. He was not sorry. Not at all.

"Oh, it's alright. You must be busy." Hoseok stated but his tone still remained gleeful and Taehyung couldn't help but be a bit annoyed.

"Hoseok-ssi, I will have you kn-"

"Taehyung," Hoseok called. It surprised Taehyung that he had dropped the honorifics with him. Before he could say another word, Hoseok said, all the glee in his voice turning somber, "Take care of Hyein."


Taehyung's jaw dropped. Did he just tell him to take care of Hyein?

A flustered pink infused his cheeks. Maybe he really was reading into everything too much. Hyein only strengthened her glare as she snatched her phone back. Taehyung folded his hands, "Do I pay you to chit-chat on your phone during work?"

Alright. Taehyung was in his snappy mood today. His mood swings have become less frequent after they had started dating but they weren't entirely gone. They were just less often.

"It's break time," Hyein replied walking inside with Taehyung at her tail.

"You don't have break times."

"I usually take a break at this time at our office. I have to eat." Hyein snapped.

"Well, we are not at our office. We are in LA."

He replied haughtily much to her annoyance. His eyes suddenly caught a movement and his gaze drifted to see a staff moving trolley full of official papers headed straight the way Hyein was standing. The staff had not seen them as her eyes were glued on the phone in her hand.

"Are you telling me to not take a break? Are you serious Taeh-"

Hyein was pulled out of the way and she tumbled onto his chest, She looked back confused to see the staff nonchalantly pushing the trolley through where Hyein stood just a moment ago. The staff had not realized what was about to happen as she pushed the trolley onwards whistling a tune to some boy band group.

Well, he could have just told me that.

"Thank yo-"

Hyein thanked turning around but was caught off guard by how close she was to him. He was too close, close enough that his breath to fanned her face.

Code red. Code red: Too close.

Taehyung might have realized it too, because a wicked grin suddenly seemed to light upon his face and wrapped his hands around her, startling her.

Hyein stiffened like a board and flustered pink infused her cheeks. "Taehyung, what- what are you doing? Let go. I said, let go!" She cried slapping at his hands as she frantically looked around for an exit.

Taehyung only smiled back, challenging her with his eyes. "Make me."

Hyein pushed him with all her might, but he didn't budge. "Taehyung, please. Let go! Someone might se-



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