Random Rants deleted scenes.

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Ayo! I'm back.

But before I get into my thing, let me remind you guys to go stream this masterpiece.

They are so amazing. I love it, especially our Yoongi Boongi's little dance  *-*


Yeah. So as I was reading through His Royal Arrogance, cringing at the grammar errors, laughing at the comments of my lovely readers, and reminiscing about it, I realized that Hyein's feelings were never fully revealed in the book. Since the book was getting long I had left out the parts and hoped that the reader would come up with something with their creative minds. But I just could not resist the urge to write it since it played out so hilariously in my head so I thought I would share it with you guys.

This scene happens before Her Royal Elegance and on the day Taehyung sprung the confession on her.

Scene: What Hyein felt ( His Royal Arrogance.)

Hyein laid on her bed staring at the ceiling intensely as her mind replayed the scene at the restaurant over and over again like a broken record. It was mind-boggling. She had never expected it to really happen.

Yes, a part of her knew that it was coming. A part of her had anticipated it. With Hobi's constant insistence that there was something going on with Taehyung and the teasing remarks he aimed at her every time he called, it was hard not to expect anything. And she was far too observant to not pick on his little acts, his stealthy glances, his slow but sure changes in the way he behaved around her. She had had an inkling.

But a major part of her refused to believe it choosing to revel in the absurdity of the idea. Taehyung would never. Never in a million years.

Besides she didn't feel anything for him either way. It was absurd to even think of him in that way. Totally absurd.

Was it?

A small voice questioned from the back of her mind as she lay on her bed staring at the dark shadows cast on her ceiling. Was it really that absurd? Did she not, even for a second, feel something for him?

Of course, I didn't! Hyein answered the small voice in her mind. Never. Not even once.

Are you sure?

 The voice asked again and a slight annoyance began to build up in her mind. She was absolutely sure about how she felt. Hyein was never the type to have even have an infatuation towards a man like him much less have feelings for him. It would never happen. She didn't have time to waste on such frivolous things as feelings. She never felt anything. 


As if on cue, a million memories flashed across her mind. A million memories of him. Memories of the time when Taehyung offered her his charming rectangular grin for the first time. The time when they exchanged playful banter. The time when Taehyung stormed out of the room after he saw her in a dress for the first time probably so that she would not catch his blush. The time when he complimented her eyes and asked her to stay with him because he didn't want to be left alone. The time when he got mad at her for not being serious about her own safety. The time when she was with him at Jimin's party and thought he might just be the most beautiful human on earth. The time he threw open the metal doors and came for her rescue when Hyein was kidnapped and trapped in that abandoned warehouse. That memory of Taehyung slowly preparing himself to take the vial of poison he was to drink to supposedly save her...

Hyein's face contorted to a grimace and she screwed her eyes shut trying to ignore the numerous visions that flashed through her mind but her mind wasn't just going to let her live in peace. Immediately, another distant memory shot through her mind as clear as day.

The memory of that time when Hyein had slipped and fallen over Taehyung because he decided to catch her before she hit the floor at the very last moment and ended up taking the fall for her. The vision of Taehyung's face, so close to her staring into her eyes pushed through her mind, and all of sudden she felt her entire face on fire.

What was this???

Hobi must have set the temperature of the air conditioning higher. That must be it. Because it certainly wasn't because of the memory that lingered in her mind. Certainly.





Who was she kidding? It was certainly because of that image!

Hyein rolled over and buried her face on her pillow. This can not be happening! But it very much was. That image of Taehyung's face still lingered in her mind and it didn't fade no matter how hard she tried to get it out of her mind.

Thoroughly frustrated at herself she buried her head under her pillow and flailed her limbs like a fish out of water."Get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, GET OUT-  AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Back in her living room, Jung Hoseok shot up from his sleep in a cold sweat, frantically looking around for the banshee that had screamed. He did not know that the household was haunted. Fearfully he looked around searching for it. When slowly, he realized that the banshee was, in fact, his best friend having an internal crisis at two in the morning, he dropped back to his bed and was out as a light.

A second later, Hobi's loud snores filled the living room.


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