20. Finding Taehyung.

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Hyein had felt off about Yang Dohwan for a while now.

It all began when she first noticed Dohwan on CCTV footage in the Security room on the day of the Partnership Meeting. Something about the way he moved, or maybe the people he met had caught her attention. From then on she had paid special attention to him.

The second time when she felt odd was when she found him in Taehyung's room alone. Taehyung's mails usually went straight to her which she sorted out before handing it to the CEO. It was a little unusual that he had them with him on that day. The mails were just an excuse. He was clearly looking around for something in his office. The last clue was when Woo Suho himself had asked her about him. 

"Not directly, but yes he gave me a hint. It was so subtle, if you are as clever as me you would figure it out."

Hyein remembered Jimin's description of how Suho had helped him. Even Suho had felt something off about him.

Hyein finally decided to look into him and she later found out that the people she had seen him talking to were officials from Zara. It was finally evident to her that Yang Dohwan was the spy. These past weeks that was what she was doing, collecting evidence. She decided she would take it slow. That she would collect enough information before she made a move, but she was wrong. The moment she hesitated to make a move, he had made it. He took Taehyung.

Hyein sat before her computer, frantic clicks ringing out in the darkroom only lit up by the faded blue glow of her screen, when the door flung open and Min Yoongi stormed inside with his secretary in tow.

"What happened to Taehyung?" Yoongi asked his eyes wide in alarm.

He's fast. Hyein thought to herself.

"Taehyung is kidnapped." She said softly.
She didn't know why Min Yoongi cared about Taehyung so much. She had tried to look into him but the man was so meticulous that with her resources there wasn't much she could find out. However, she had a gut feeling that he was not a foe. She could trust him. He was someone who cared. An ally.

Yoongi's frown deepened, "What do they want?"

Hyein paused tapping on the computer as she looked up to him. "Etheral's downfall."

Yoongi's shoulders slumped, as his frown somehow softened and he asked slowly, "What are you doing?"

Hyein pulled her lips into a thin line as she looked back at her computer scene. "Finding Taehyung."

That brightened up his features. He had obviously thought that she was going to act as they wanted, but Hyein wasn't the kind to let that happen. Yoongi strolled up to her and looked towards her computer screen.

"Do you have a plan?" He asked gently, placing a hand on her shoulder, as he bent down to look at the screen.

"I made them send me a photo of Taehyung. I'm trying to find a site where I could load its Exif data. It will have the coordinates where the picture was taken. If I am lucky, we can find Taehyung without anything." Yoongi's face morphed into a look that was rare. Not many people knew about it but one could actually know where a picture was taken from an image's Exif data. They usually had GPS coordinates which when typed into Maps you could find the location of where the picture was taken. Yoongi smiled. It was the kind of smile that was rare and only people who clearly deserved it would have the fortune of seeing it. The same smile appeared on the other secretary's face. Woo Suho stepped forward.

"Can I help?" Hyein reluctantly moved away from the computer at his request and Woo Suho flexed his fingers and proceeded to work his magic on her computer. A few seconds later, they had the map of his location pulled up on the screen. The red pin was on top of a familiar building.

"The Zara headquarters?" Yoongi whispered in amazement.

Hyein smiled bitterly, "Clever choice. No one would actually think to look into the company building for someone who went missing." She commented. The other two in the room nodded their heads at her comment.

Taehyung was in Zara's headquarters, located just a few miles away from the Ethereal.Co building. If they were to march up there right now, they could get Taehyung out right away, but Hyein knew better than anyone that it was just wishful thinking. She had no doubt regarding the fact that they would hurt Taehyung at the first sign of trouble and things would get even more complicated. One had to be careful when invading the enemy territory. She needed a plan and a few backups, just to be safe.

Yoongi seemed to have caught on to what she was thinking.

He smirked at her, something akin to a smile flashed across his Secretary's face and Hyein got up from her seat, tugging her sleeves up to her elbow, determined.

It has been decided.

They were going to do this together.

They were going to do this together

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