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I have to complain about something. Why do the days pass by so fast when you are happy or when you are with someone special to you? It's so unfair! Monday was like a week for me and the four days Mina was back, it was like only a day for me!

"Ms. Chaeyoung, I'll leave already." I scrunchy nose as I heard Mina said that.

"Okay, take care, see you on Monday. Rest well and don't do any work on weekends, arrasso?" I reminded her and she smiled at me.

"Ne, you too Miss, have a great weekend."

After she left, my phone beeps and I check who texted me.

From: Momo Unnie
Chaeyoung-ah, are you still with Mina? Did she tell you to drop her home? If not, can you please drop her home? I can't pick her up, I'm stuck in traffic.

Hmm? She doesn't have her car today?

I grab all my things and immediately left the building. before riding my car, I look around hoping that Mina could still be around. 

Why didn't she told me? She might encounter drunk men around, it's already eight in the evening. We had overtime because of the three different types of powerpoint presentation we need to make for three important meetings tomorrow.

I decided to walk towards the bus and saw an old woman but there was no Mina. I look at what time did the last bus stop by and it was 45 minutes ago.

Mina left the office about 10 minutes ago... Where could she be?

"Uhm, excuse me, have you seen a woman the same height as you, has black long hair with a mole near the bridge of her nose and on her upper lip?" I asked the old woman waiting for the next bus.

"Sorry, I didn't see the girl you are talking about."

"Oh, okay, thank you." I thanked the old woman and left.

Did she walk home? But their house is a little bit far from the company, it will take 15 minutes to drive from the company to their home. She might take 30-40 minutes if she walks.

For some unknown reasons, my feet took me to the other side of the road. I look around and still no sign of Mina.

I grab my phone and called Momo unnie.

M: Chaeyoung, did you get my text?
C: Ne unnie, did she call you like for the past 15 minutes?
M: No, is she not with you?
C: No unnie, she didn't tell me.
M: Aish! That girl, I told her to ask you.
C: I'll hang up unnie, bye. Talk to you later.

I ended the call without letting Momo unnie talked. I put back my phone in my pocket and was about to cross back to the other side when I heard whimpers.

Who was that? It's kinda creepy.

I look around and saw no one. The whimpers get a little bit loud and I decided to find where it was coming from. As I follow the sound, it became louder and louder. It led me to a small way that is super dark.

"Keep quiet." Someone whispered.

Drunk guy harassing someone, like the usual.

I didn't think twice to grab the pipe near and hit it on the guy's head.

I need to find Mina but I also need to help the girl that is being harassed.

I was expecting for the man to be knocked down but I guess I was wrong. He turns around and grabs the pipe I was holding.

"You're dead." He said.

He was getting the pipe away from and I grab that chance to knee his birdy. Because of the pain he felt, he lies down on the ground, groaning about how painful his part is.

"F*ck you! I'll get back to you!" He said and left somewhere.

How can he get back at me if he can't even see me? It's dark.

I was about to leave but I remembered the girl that was being harassed.

"Are you okay?" I asked and scratch down to the girl.

She didn't talk, she's trembling and crying at the same time.

"Hey, you are safe now, the man won't go near you ever again. I promise that." I said and I wasn't touching, she might flinch if I do.

"Th-thank you, Ms. Chaeyoung." What?

My eyes grew big and grab my phone from my pocket to turn on my flashlight.

"Oh ghad! Are you okay?!" I suddenly panic.


How dare that man touch Mina. How could he do that to an innocent girl?

Her eyes were so red and puffy because of crying. Her hair is a mess. Her lips are trembling.

I'll freaking find that man.

I look at Mina and her tears can't stop falling from her eyes.

I slowly put my hands near her face and wipe off her tears with my thumb.

"I... I'm scared." She suddenly said and cried more.

If I knew that she doesn't have her car today, this wouldn't happen to her.

I unconsciously hug her. She stiffens and I rub her back.

"Don't be scared. I'm here... I'm here to protect you."

We were silent for a few moments and I was about to release from the hug but then she stopped me and hug me back.

"Thank you again."

"You're welcome, just please, next time, if you don't have your car, tell me. I will drop you off." I said.

"Can you not tell this to anyone? Please?"

"But, Momo unnie and Sana unnie needs to know." I said she looked at me with pleading eyes.


"Fine, let's go, I'll drop you off."

I stand up and offer my hands to hers. She looks at my hands and I was glad she accepted it.

We walk back towards the company parking lot while holding each other's hands.

Her hands... It feels so soft... It feels so right to hold her, hug her, and protect her. It feels right to love her.

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