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"OH MY GHAD!" Nayeon unnie loudly said when she saw my busted lips.

I just arrived at the office and didn't see Mina everywhere, I called for Nayeon unnie and that was the first thing she said.

"Unnie, where's Mina?" I asked directly.

"She said she'll just run some errands, but she'll be back quick, don't worry. What happened to you? Did you fought with anyone?" Nayeon unnie worriedly asks.

"I... I am fine unnie, don't worry about me." I said.

"You are not, look, you didn't even put some ointment on your lips." Nayeon unnie scolded and I just sigh.

Nayeon unnie was busy scolding me and I didn't listen to her at all.

"Aish, I'll go get some ointment." She said and left the office without letting me talk.

I grab my phone and opened the camera to look at my busted lips.

"He slapped me hard, wow." I told myself.

I really can't understand dad at all.

"Ms. Chaeyoung, why do you need some oi- what happened to you?"

I was startled when Mina pulled my face lightly to check on my lips.

Oh ghad, her face is close to mine.

"Where did you get that? How did you get that? Who did that to you? Did you fight with someone? Are you in trouble? Answer me!" She frustratingly said and I chuckled.

She's cute.

"Yah! I'm asking you questions and you just chuckled? Are you drunk or something?" She backs away and crosses her arms.

Why does she look like a wife to me right at this moment? You know, a wife scolding her other half because of going home with busted lips.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, it's just like what happened years ago." I said and I saw how Mina's eyes softened.

"Your dad did that?" She asked and I just nodded.

"Why?" She added.

"Let's not talk about that." I said and she nodded.

She opens the cap of the ointment and puts it on my busted lips without any warning.

"Aw!" I said.

"Sorry, just endure the pain, this will be fast." She said and continue to apply the ointment.

As she was applying, I was staring at her angelic face.

"Why didn't you apply any ointment earlier? Didn't I tell you back then to not forget putting ointment when you have busted lips or bruise?"

She's really beautiful.

"Hey, are you listening?"

Her moles make her more look so attractive.

"You look like an angel."


Did I voice that out loud?

"Uhm, I said you look like an angel." I repeated and I saw how her cheeks blushed.

"I'm not." She said.

"Yes you do, you're beautiful, didn't you know that?" I giggled when she blushed more.

"Uhm, uh, I'll check your schedule for today, excuse me." Before she could go out of the door, I called your attention.



"Remember that you are beautiful." I said and winked at her.

She immediately left and I chuckled.

I like how she blushed. Does that mean I affect her?

I set aside my thoughts about Mina and so does what happened at the mansion earlier. I started to do my work and once lunchtime came, I tag Mina along with me.

"Are you serious? Are you a kid?" She asked when I brought her to McDonald's.

"Why? Are kids only allowed to eat at McDonald's?" I asked and she shakes her head and giggled.

Upon entering, there were only a few people around, most of them are families and some are students.

"I'll order for us." Mina said.

"I'll order." I said.

"No, just tell me what you want, I'll order." She said.

"Aish, let's go, let's order together." I said and drag her towards the counter.

We waited for our turn and once we were in front of the cashier, I want to punch the man in front of us. He was staring at Mina like she was his prey.

"May I take your order?" He asked while still looking at Mina.

I look at Mina and saw that she was getting uncomfortable from the stare.

"Can you please stop staring at her like that? Can't you see? You are making her uncomfortable. Do your work properly, or I'll call your manager to report what you are doing." I said towards the man- no, he's a boy, not a man.

He snaps out and faced me.

"Sorry, uhm, may I take your order?" He asked and I dictate our orders.

After getting our orders, we walk towards the vacant table and sat there.

"Are you alright?" I asked Mina.

"Yeah, thanks." She said and smiled.

"You're welcome." I said and smiled back.

We eat our food and talk about random things.

"I didn't know we go to the same university back in college." She said.

"Of course, you won't notice, you were always focused on your studies." I told her.

"Hmm, but why weren't you with us when Tzuyu and the others are with us?" She asked.

I was not there because I am too shy to be in front of you back then.

"Maybe when you guys hang out, I am in my classes or I was not at the university or I am at the company to train or I was just not there?" I said more like a question.

"Yeah right, you took a different course from the rest of us." She said and I just nodded my head.

She's right, I took a course that I never really like, it was dad's orders, and I need to follow.

"You know, business wasn't supposed to be the course I'll take." I said.

"Really? Then why did you go for business if that wasn't your choice?" She asked and shove two pieces of fries which are mostly coated with ketchup.

Ketchup monster.

"Dad wanted me to take business, as you can see, I am the CEO right at this moment which wasn't part of my plan. I really wanted to take arts and design or architecture or maybe civil engineering but I can't go with that because of dad." I said.

Back then, I tried to convince him to let me take the course I want, but he said no. He won't allow me.

"If you can turn back the time, would you rather choose to follow your dad and be the CEO, or would you rather pick the path you wanted to go?" She asked.

I answered without hesitation.

"If I can turn back the time, I would rather pick the path I wanted to go." And I might probably remove my coward self and be confident to talk to you.

"But if I'll choose the path wanted to go for, we might not be here, eating our lunch at McDonald's and talking about this. That doesn't feel right." I added and I saw how her lips form into a smile.

"You know why?" I asked.

"No, tell me why." She said.

"It doesn't feel right because I needed you, Myoui Mina in my life."

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