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I woke up from my peaceful sleep and wonder why am I in a different room.

"Oh, right, I'm in Mina's home." I told myself.

Yup, I slept here, she didn't let me go home last night.

"I guess the rain won't stop." I told Mina while looking outside of the window.\

"Yeah." She shortly said.

"I should get going. Thank you for the hot choco and welcoming me here." I said while standing up from the couch.

"You're going already? But the rain is not yet stopping." She said.

"You can stay here for the night." Mina added my eyes grew wide.

"Ani, I'm fine." I said.

"Come on, just stay here for tonight. You might encounter an accident while driving home." Mina said with pleading eyes.

Aish! How can I say no to her?

"Fine, I'll stay here for tonight." I said and she showed me her cute gummy smile.

"You can sleep in the guest room." Mina said.

"Okay, uhm, I'll just grab my bag in the car." I said and she followed.

"Wae?" I asked.

"I'll go with you, you might not come back." She said and chuckled.

If only you knew, I wouldn't ever run away from you. I'll always come back to you.

After getting my bag, we head back in and she guided me towards the guest room. 

"Here's the guest room, you can use the spare clothes in the closet and there's an unused toothbrush in the bathroom." She said.

"Okay, thank you... Mina." 

"You're welcome Chaeyoung." She said.

"Good night."

"Good night. If you need anything, knock on my door over there." She said and points to where her door is.

"Ne, good night again, have a nice sleep."

"Hmm, you too. See you in the morning."

She then left and I walk into the guest room.

After taking my morning shower, I put on the spare clothes that I found in my backpack last night. I walk down towards the kitchen and look around at what I could cook for breakfast for me and Mina. 

I decided to cook fried rice, bacon, and scrambled eggs.

As soon as I finished cooking, Mina came down looking so fresh.

"Morning, breakfast is ready. Sorry, I meddle with your kitchen." I said while putting the fried rice on the table.

"Morning, it's okay but you should have knocked on my door so I can cook for us." She said.

She looks so hot with her still wet hair.

"It's okay, come, let's eat." 

While eating our breakfast, we talk about random topics. When we were done eating, I insisted to wash the dishes but Mina doesn't let me.

"I'll just help you." I said and she sighs.

"Fine." She said and I smiled.

While washing the dishes, I can't help myself but smile and blush every time our hands would accidentally touch.

"Thank you for letting me stay over the night." I said to Mina when it's time for me to leave.

"Ne, take care in driving."

"I will. see you tomorrow in the office." I said and waved my last good bye and left.

I drive towards my house with a smile plaster on my face.

So that's how it feels eating breakfast with Mina.

"Jeong Hun?" 

I immediately parked my car and get down when I saw my brother sitting down in front of my porch. As I reached him, I hug him tight.


"Where have you been?! Didn't you know that I am worried about you?! How could you just disappear like that Son Jeong Hun!" I angrily shouted at my brother.

The time we had a family dinner, he left because of dad.

"NO! I AM NOT DOING IT!" Jeong Hun angrily said towards dad.

"Yes you will, you will do what I say." Dad sternly said.

"I said no! Why can't you understand that dad? Huh? Are you f*ck*ng deaf!"

"SON JEONG HUN! MIND YOUR WORDS!" Dad burst out of anger.

Mom was just sitting there and don't know what to do.

"Come on dad! I don't want to marry a freaking stranger!" Jeong Hun said.

"She is not a stranger, you know her." Dad said.

Dad... he wants Jeong Hun to marry one of his business man's daughter. He decided this without asking me. Why does he even meddle with the company? He's not the CEO anymore.

"I don't freaking care! I won't do it. She can marry herself." Jeong Hun said and left.

"Jeong Hun." Mom called him but he didn't turn back.

"Chaeyoung, convince your brother to marry her." Dad said towards me.

"But... but dad, it's not right to let Jeong Hun marry the girl he doesn't even love. Why does he even need to marry her? For business? He doesn't need to. our business is fine, our company is fine." I said without stuttering.

"I am doing this for our family and for our company. You know why? It's because you don't make a great CEO Chaeyoung." Dad said without thinking that this will hurt me so much.

"Then why did you pass it to me?! Why didn't you stay in your position? If I don't make a great CEO why I am still in that position?" I angrily asked him.

He was about to slap me but mom stopped me. I glared at him and left.

Following days had past and mom called me and asked if Jeong Hun is with me. She said that Jeong Hun hasn't been home since the dinner. I tried to find him but I never saw him everywhere. He wasn't even attending his classes.

"Mian noona, I just don't want to marry that girl. I can't marry someone I don't love." Jeong Hun said while looking down.

"I know that okay? But please, don't ever leave like that." I said.

I noticed that behind him was languages.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Can I stay here with you? Please?"

"Did something happen?"

"I showed at our house earlier and I talked to dad. I told him that I won't accept the marriage no matter what. He threatened me that he would disown me if I didn't accept the marriage. I... I still didn't accept the marriage. Noona, I... I can't do what he says, I don't want to be in that situation. Noona please, please don't be angry at me." He said and I was shocked that he sobs.

He cried. Jeong Hun rarely cries. He's a tough guy. He only cries when he is hurt badly.

"Gwaenchanha, noona is not angry at you. You can stay with me. Don't worry about it anymore, arrasso? Everything will be alright. No matter what he did to you, even if dad disowns you, you still have me." I said.

"Thank you noona." He said and hugged me.

I hug him back.

Dad is being too obsessed with the company already. How can he do this to Jeong Hun?

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