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Chaeyoung can't believe what Mina said. Why would even a father kill his son?

Just like what Chaeyoung thought, it is too cruel.

"My brother died because the breaks of his car won't function. I tried to tell him that dad is planning something but he won't listen to me. I heard dad talking to his men about tricking the mechanics of my brother's car."

"I tried to convince my mom too but like my brother, she doesn't believe in me. Good thing that my real brother believes in me, we track our older brother's location and followed them there."

"I was panicking when I noticed that the circle thingy in the phone stopped. My brother told me to call an ambulance and si I did."

"All thing I knew, when we got to the local, the car is already on fire. I thought I wouldn't see my brother but still did, he was weakly helping his pregnant wife out of the car. He was full of blood and tears."

"When he saw us, he begged to save his daughter instead of his wife if ever only one of them can survive. We don't know what to say so we agreed, we agreed even if it hard for us too."

The husband and wife are still both breathing but once they arrived at the hospital, Mina's brother was dead on arrival.

"Just like what we promised, we let his daughter live. She was in the incubator for a month and a half, she was near to death but Heejin is brave, she fought and survived."

"Heejin? Heejin is your brother's daughter?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yeah, Heejin is my brother's daughter. She is also one of the reasons why I don't want to come back to Japan because I am sure that dad will just hurt her. Heejin is too precious to be hurt." Mina said.

"In that one and half month that she was inside the incubator, we gave my brother and his wife a proper burial. I and my brother tried to put dad to jail but he was too powerful and we are hopeless."

"I don't want to stop, but my brother told me to stop. For Heejin, I stopped."

"He may be my father but I don't want to be with a father who killed someone who has the same blood circulating in his body."

The two were silent. Chaeyoung was processing everything at what Mina told her while Mina, was just looking at the shining star above and thinking that one of them is her brother.

Mina's oldest brother is very important to her. He saves Mina every time her father would hurt her because of some mistakes that weren't even that deep. His brother would be the first one to greet her on her birthday and would always be there when she needed someone to lean on.

"If Heejin is Japanese, why is her name Korean?" That was the first thing that Chaeyoung asked after the silence that was surrounding them.

"Heejin means precious pearl. Heejin is one precious girl who is unique and there is no other way you could find another Heejin like the pearls." Mina said.

"Did you name her?"

"Yeah, I named her and I took her under my care." Mina said.

"After knowing everything, how do you?" It may be weird to ask this kind of question but not for Mina.

"I'm sad for Heejin. Just like you, and her real parents, she also went through a lot even just she was still inside his mother's womb." Chaeyoung started.

"Now I know why you had so much worry on her, especially when she was brought to the hospital."

"Yeah, bringing Heejin in the hospital makes me remember what happened in the past."

"Does she know about her parents?" Chaeyoung asked and Mina shakes her head.

"Not yet, she's too young to know, and it is hard for me to tell her about it." Mina said and sigh.

"What if she hates me after knowing the truth?"

Chaeyoung holds Mina's hand and said.

"She won't, I know she won't. Heejin is a smart girl, I know that she would understand. Plus, I think that she would be thankful towards you because you take good care of her, you saved her and you love her like your own."

Mina smiled at her suitor and hug her.

"You won't leave me, right?"

"Of course not. I would never leave you. I promise you that I will be at your side forever, I won't let you be hurt. I will be your and Heejin's protector. I will stay with you through the hardship, I will always be there to support you." Chaeyoung said that made Mina's heart flutter.

"Thank you Chaeyoungie."

"I love you too Mina." Chaeyoung said and Mina laughs at her.

The two decided to leave the cliff and now are heading towards Jihyo's house to fetch Heejin.

"Mommy!" Heejin happily said when she saw Mina waiting for her.

"Hey there Heekie, how's your day with your Jihyo imo?" Mina asked carrying Heejin.

"It was great, I saw many animals earlier and I even saw you and Ms. Handsome." Heejin shared and giggled.

What was Heejin is talking about is the penguins and the tigers she saw at the zoo.

"Thank you for looking at her today Jih." Said Mina.

"It's nothing, I love taking care of Heejin. Take care on your way home."

After bidding goodbye, Mina and Heejin started to walk towards the elevator to go down the condominium building.

"Mommy, were you with Ms. Handsome today?" Heejin asked.

"Maybe yes, maybe no." Mina answered that made the child whine.

Before going out of the building, Heejin asked her mommy something.

"Mommy, can't I want Ms. Handsome to be my other mommy."


Lame update for tonight. I didn't proofread this chapter hehe, tell me if you guys noticed some mistakes.

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