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"Don't forget to eat your meals on time. Okay?"

"Yes, mom." I said to tease Mina who has been reminding me a lot of things since earlier.

"Yah! I'm serious." She said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that. Thanks for dropping me off at the airport. See you tomorrow?" I said while smiling.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." She said with a smile.

Mina insisted to drop me off at the airport just to be sure that I didn't forget anything. I told her that she doesn't need to do it since it's also nighttime already but she's one hella stubborn penguin.

"Okay, I'll go ahead then. Take care on your way home. Text me when you arrived already, arrasso?"

"Okay, text me too when you guys already landed in Jeju." Mina said.

I was about to say something when someone covered my mouth.

"Okay, lovebirds, that's enough. I feel so single when I am not. We'll go now Mina, I'll make sure Chaeng will eat her meal, if not, I'll bury her in the sand. Bye! Go home already! Aish! I will really punch Jeongyeon's face once we come back tomorrow."

How can I forgot, Nayeon unnie is going to Jeju with me since she is one of the architects who made the blueprints.

"Okay, I'll go out already. Bye, take care you two." Said Mina and wave goodbye.

She was already walking away and I was calling her but she doesn't hear me.

Right, Nayeon unnie's hands are covering my mouth.

Once I removed Nayeon unnie's hands, Mina was already out of sight.

"Ayah! You shouldn't have covered my mouth unnie! I didn't say my goodbye to her!" I complained and she just laughs at me.

"Mian, you two act like you won't see each other for too long. It's just a day. Duh! You can call Mina anytime once we landed." She said and rolled her eyes at me.

What a bitter grandma! It's because she had a misunderstanding with Jeong unnie.

We walk inside the plane and find our seats. Once we are settled, I look out of the window and waiting for the plane to take off.

"Wake me up when we already landed." I heard Nayeon unnie said and I just nodded my head.

As the plane started to fly, I remembered again what Mina told me yesterday.

"Well, I love how your hands perfectly fits mine."

That has been lingering around my mind the whole night and day. I can't stop thinking about it.

Yesterday, when she told me that, I can feel and hear my heartbeat beating so fast. She fluttered my heart so much that I thought I might pass out yesterday.

She making me fall for her more without her knowing.

Sometimes, I think of confessing to her already, but I am such a coward gay.

I'm too coward because I am afraid of being rejected. I don't like the idea of me being rejected by the person I cherish and treasure the most. I am fine with being a coward and not tell what I feel just to save what we have right at this moment. Once I'll be rejected, many things will change, many things will disappear, and there will be a new treatment that will surely be awkward.

But of course, I won't be forever a coward. I just need to ready myself more, to ready myself of whatever be the result of my confession, I'll accept it.

If she'll ever like me or love me back, of course, I will be the happiest person in the world. I will pursue her and never stop until I get her sweetest yes.

But if ever I am rejected, I'll accept it, with my whole heart. I'll accept it with my whole heart but I am broken.

"Unnie, we are going to land already, wake up." I woke up Nayeon unnie once I saw that the plane is already going to touchdown.

I wander and think of my thoughts for that long?

Once we landed, we head out of the plane with our things and exited the airport to find the person who's going to fetch us.

"Unnie, who's going to get us?" I asked Nayeon unnie.

"Park Jihyo's boyfriend, let's go, I saw him already."

Hm? Ms. Park has a love life? Good for her.


"Oh, there you are. Nice to see you again Nayeon-ssi. Good evening Ms. Son." He greeted.

So this is Ms. Park's boyfriend? Hmm, not bad, he is good-looking. He looks like a heartbreaker but I hope he doesn't break Ms. Park's heart.

"Good evening, thank you for fetching Mr..."

"Daniel, Kang Daniel. Just call me by Daniel Ms. Son." He said while smiling and I nodded my head.

We step in the car and Daniel oppa started to drive towards the hotel where we are going to spend the night.

Nayeon unnie and Daniel oppa were talking and I just say here comfortably and in silence.

I then remembered that I needed to inform Mina that we already reached Jeju so I grab my phone from my bag and open it.

I was hoping to see a text message from Mina saying that she already got home but there was none.

To: Secretary
Hey, we already landed on Jeju, we are now on our way to the hotel. How about you? I am hoping that you are already home.

After a few seconds, I received a message and I unconsciously smile when it came from Mina.

From: Secretary
Is that so? Eat your dinner once you get to the hotel, okay? And yeah, I already reached home, sorry, I forgot to text you earlier.

To: Secretary
That's okay, how about you? Have you eaten your dinner yet?

From: Secretary
Yeah, I just finished eating dinner with Sana, Momo, and Dahyun.

Hm? Dahyun is there?

To: Secretary
Dahyun unnie is staying for the night?

From: Secretary
Yeah, Momo requested for her to stay. Dahyun was supposed to decline since she has a somewhere to go tomorrow, but she's too whipped for Momo.

Yeah right, my bro is too whipped for Momo unnie.

To: Secretary
How about you? Won't you request for me to stay over the night?

It took me two full minutes before I get her reply.

From: Secretary
You can stay over here whenever you want. If you want, you can stay forever with me.

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