Dear world.
Dear World, I'm gay
They say how long will that last
She'll change her mind by Friday
The tears come fast
My life is a joke to you all
I'm told that I'm sick,
Attacked but I won't fall
My sexuality is something I can't pick
You call me names and send me threats
But I stand proud waving my flag
You can all place your bets,
On how long I will "Brag"
But I'm just being me
Can't change, Won't change
Won't filter for you, No I will be free
I know that I'm strange
That I'm different to you
But why do you care
You can hurt me with your crew
But why do you stare
With your eyes and narrow mind
Beg me to live my life as a lie
Keep me confined
You know we won't fall,
We will fly.