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The monster that lurks in our mind

The creature that attacks our every good thought, happy memory. Like a dementor.


Sucks all the happiness out of your life. You can try and be happy but it's no use against the monster that is depression.


The sadness waiting for you to fall into at the end of the day after having laughed with your friends


The thing we have all learnt to hate. The thing we have all learnt to fear. The thing that will ruin our lives

"It's all in your head" that's what they'll tell you "you can get rid of it" is what they'll say but no matter how hard you try is always there, lurking in the back of your mind, waiting for the right moment to pounce back into your life


It feeds off of good memories, good times, happiness and laughter


The thing that makes us blame ourselves, the thing that makes us remember something we said 5 years ago


The burden that lives in our minds. The thing we all want to get rid of.


One day you'll be content with your soul, with yourself and that monster in your mind will shrink. One day you'll find happiness and those days when you didn't think you'd manage will just be lessons to remember and scars will just be proof of the battles you've fought


One day you will be rid of this burden. One day you will be rid of the monster that we call


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