Our unwritten history pages.
There I sit in a void of time
Glancing through pages of history
Unfolding before me like a leaf of a textbook
This is the time for us to take notes
Even if you don't fully understand.
Taking steps is easy
But standing still is hard
Frozen in a whirlwind of confusion
The normal slipping through our fingers
But we must take the courage to walk through.
Into the unknown that is known
As this was never the wakeup call
We all were just hitting snooze
Until we were late but not for school
For those who needed us to project their voices.
Uncomfortable in this new reality
Conscious of the anxious thoughts
Thinking that if you slip up you fall
But you forget you have arms, legs or people
That can once again bring you back up.
Now is the time to pull each other up
For those who need it
Who are constantly getting helped to slip?
As we turn away blind with our seeing eyes
Now is not the time to play pretend.
This is the time we live in
Something that is different for each person
A reality that wasn't in your horoscope
Despite the stars still existing
And the moon still watching.
One house is hurting
Don't look to others as if they are as well
One hurt that needs the help
Not the others still safe, not hurting
Take action for what is right, not for what's in trend.