I May Seem Fine

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I may seem fine.

I may seem ok,

I may say I am fine,

You couldn't tell my laugh was fake,

You haven't seen me cry,

You can't tell I'm losing my mind.

I am breaking, like glass

I am falling to the ground

I only get understanding from the hate inside of me,

I feel like the battle inside is one I will never win,

When will the old times of happiness be set free?

These feelings of slowly smashing transcend,

I see a goddess in everyone else,

If only I could just believe in myself.

It may seem like I don't take things personally,

When really, I am fragile like smashing glass,

My mind cannot rest in harmony,

Why am I living in this hopeless trance?

When will people understand you cannot break what is already broken?

But these broken pieces can be an angry, crying, exhausted explosion.

You cannot see,

I have lost my joyful personality,

The glass in not half full or half empty.

Its empty, broken, and unloved.

Nothing can mend me,

My own thoughts have locked me in my own eternal prison cell.

And you would never be able to tell.

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