Chapter Sixteen

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Lessons from the Quran:
'Don't lie' (22:30)
'Don't spread gossip' (24:15)
'Don't backbite' (49:12)

May Ar-Rahman be pleased with us, Amin.

Khamisas pov

Have you ever felt good within you?

So good that a smile grace your lips unknowingly all the time, one can only thank Allah.

I am actually very content with where i am now, Mahmoud ruined the word 'marriage' to me and now Alhamdulillah i am viewing it from a different perspective.

I finished setting the table, everything is in place, everything spotless, just one thing is missing tho, you got it right!

Turaren wuta.

I already burn the coal, and so i put it in three cosko(s).

Yup! The house always smells the same, very nice, very relaxing.

I literally pace the whole house, leaving one in my bathroom, the other one in Hammannurs room and the last one in the living room.

The smoke is too much, but the nice smell overpowers that.

Hammannur will be back in like an hour or so with some of his siblings and the mothers.

I know, i am so nervous.

I mean how can you handle a mother in law?! Talk more of three of 'em, nah bro, you don't wanna know.

Anyways i continue working before they arrive.


A chorus of; "Assalamu Alaikum," is heard when my husband unlock our main door with his keys.

I plaster a smile on my face: "Wa'alaikum Salaam." Mama and Mummy engulf me in a big hug, taken aback but nonetheless hugged them back.

"Smells nice wifey," My husband winks at me, extending his hand for a shake, i shake his hand with a smile: "Shut up!" He chuckles.

"Ina wuni(good afternoon)" I greet my in laws when they settle on the couch.

"Alhamdulillah diyata(Alhamdulillah my daughter)" Mama smiles, "You're looking good." Mummy winks at me knowingly and i shyly look away, and Hajiya just let out a hiss.

"Sai mun roke ki ruwa ma(do we have to beg you for water)" Hajiya says with a frown.

I shake my head: "Everything is on the table, let me bring it for you, I'm sorry." I almost tremble while walking to the dining area, my mother in law looks super intimidating.

"Chill," Sabrina pats my arm with a wink, i smiled at her.

I take the tray to them in the living room and walk back to the dining area where the youngsters are sitting.

I hope i don't fall their hands, 'cause i am still on the phase of impressing them, ha-ha!

"Where do you get your turaren wuta?" Amal asks when i sit opposite her.

I smile at her: "You mean where do i get it?" Hammannur beats me with a reply i roll my eyes.

"Same thing," I shrug: "My Aunt, she makes the best." My husband flick my forehead and Amal nods, "Hook us up, your house is heavenly scented," I wink at her.

"Rub it on our faces that we have no house," Sabrina mutters obviously kidding.

"Not our fault," I said in unison with Amal and we burst of laughing.

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