Chapter Ten

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The shortest but powerful prayer;
"Allahumma inni as'aluka Al'afiyah,"

"O' Allah, i ask you for Afiyah."

Amin ya Rabbi!

Please lets not forget our duas.

Khamisas pov

'At every age people are searching for inspiration, and that could just be you.' Alhanislam.

I am a big fan of hers and boy did those words make sense,

I mean within your age group, two or more people are searching for inspiration, at times you can be amongst them.

And now i have made up my mind to be strong and at least inspire and motivate a lot of people my age who are going through similar to what i am, more or less.

Sometimes if you can't be strong for yourself then at least try to be for those like you out there, in that way you're shooting two birds with one stone, 'cause you're healing and motivating at the same time.

Life is easy when you make it yea?

No matter what happens, life goes on!

Your mum died, but you move on!

Your husband raped you, but you move on!

Your younger sister slapped you, but you move on!

You lost your baby, but you move on!

Your husband divorced you, but you move on!

At this point i agree that every pain has a purpose, i am yet to find out mine but i believe in it.

No matter what purpose my pain hold, I'll welcome it wholeheartedly, i mean it is the first step of acceptance yea?

So the pain and purpose and whatever emotion that will accommodate me in the nearest future won't hit too hard.

I am slowly but steadily getting used to it.

A small smile grace my lips, how simple is this life? Subahanallah!

And at this point of lif-

My phone ringtone interrupts me from my thoughts, i clear my throat before picking the call; "Fatma Heyy!" I say to my friend immediately after picking; "Missa baby, you at home?" She asks,

"Yes i am,"

"Cool cool, we're coming." She says, "You and who?" I can't help but ask.

"Karim." And she burst out laughing, i can't help the giggle that escape me as well.

I think not everyone is lucky to find love after all!

"I'll be waiting," And with that i hang up to go freshen up, at least to look presentable,

For Lord knows i have been in my pjs for the past three days,

Hey! I am not a dirty girl, haha!

"Anty Ruky, Tee and Karim are coming now," I yell, walking towards my Aunts room.

"Spray a lot of perfume, you stink." My Aunt yells back and i find my self giggling.

I enter the bathroom, took a warm short bath, brush my teeth, comb my hair and spray my deodorant before exiting the bathroom.

I dress up casually in a simple white high waist skirt and an orange shirt tuck beneath the skirt, spray perfume and lastly cover my head with a white turban cap.

Pain and purposeWhere stories live. Discover now