Chapter Four

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"So let not the worldly life deceive you at all." Quran; suratul fatir, verse: five.

By Allah there's nothing more temporary than this world,
It's high time we stop taking it as if we won't leave it now or in a week.

May Allah protect us all.

Khamisas pov

I squint against the blinding rays of the sun pouring in through the large window by my left, i close my eyes almost immediately, rolling to the other side of the bed, checking time on my phone.

It's 12:09pm, i stretch on the bed before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I'd be cooking lunch by this time of the day if i was at my dads.

I sigh, shaking my head,
I hate this sanitary pads, i hate them with all my soul.

Yes- yes i lost my baby a week ago, my little bundle of joy, whenever i stare at the barely growing bump, my heart swells.

It became the sight i see and smile,
I caress and overjoy,
I pray and love overflows,
I imagine a life with my baby and see myself floating on cloud nine.

It became the reason i wake up every morning with a smile on my face, it gave me more reasons to live and be actually happy, it made me responsible about my meals, 'cause i am the type that barely eats.

But for the sake of my baby, i force myself to eat, only for it to be go- gone?!

I don't wanna blame my step mum for it because I know everything in this world that happens is Allahs doing, and He is the best of Planners, we don't question His doing because our Lord is perfect.

I wipe my tears and continue using the bathroom.

I came out and dress in a free flow(y) dark purple dress, then make my way to the living room.

"Sleeping beauty." Anty Ruky calls with a wink, "Good morning." I greeted, "Afternoon, my love." She giggles.

Anty Rukayya is my mums older sibling, they're three in their house, Anty Ruky, my mum and their brother.

I'm slim in nature, barely eats and because of that, i haven't been feeling well through out the four to five weeks of my pregnancy, and that made me extremely weak, and with me literally doing the whole work 'cause Zara goes to school wasn't helping my situation one bit.

Anyways, long story short, last week Wednesday, i was cooking dinner with firewood around 5:30pm,

I finished sweeping and cleaning the whole house, and lets not forget that i cooked lunch and breakfast.

I didn't eat that day and i was feeling so down, and i kept on inhaling the smoke from the lit up firewood, a little too much that i lost conscious.

I laid there unconscious for over an hour till Abba came back from work, he literally ran outside to stop a keke napep(tricycle) when he saw me lying unconsciously.

And that's how i found myself in the hospital, bleeding from- down there.

So, yea that's how i lost my baby.

And when Anty Ruky heard of the incident she came and brought me to her house, till date.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, "Much better Alhamdulillah."

"Alhamdulillah," "So, Mahmoud called me earlier." My Aunt adds and my heart skip a beat.

Mahmoud is my so called ex husband.

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