Chapter Twenty Eight

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"You are my protector in this world and in the here after." Quran.

Allah is indeed so merciful and have too much love for us, His slaves.

Khamisas pov

I never in my wildest dream think i have this much courage, i still can't believe what i did last night, but nonetheless i am so glad i did what i did.

Fatma might be the mastermind behind what i did last night, but then again i was the one that called her for help.

And you know what? I don't regret it at all, 'cause i am being served breakfast on bed right now, what more could i ask for?

"Are you ok?" My fine husband asks for the umpteenth time since we woke up for fajr, he picked me up bridal style and drop me in the bathtub then help me take my ghusul as he did his too, after lots of kisses and a lil more, we walked out of the bathroom and prayed fajr together, then we went back to sleep,

Only for me to wake up with breakfast on bed, how romantic of him?

"You didn't hurt me Nur," "For the millionth time." I add and he direct a beautiful smile at me.

I smiled back and we dig in our yummy lookin' morning meal.


"There!" I exclaim after placing the last plate on the table.

My Uncle, Abdulra'uf is coming over and we will be having lunch the three of us, he came to kano the day before yesterday i guess, not entirely sure.

He graduated from Loughborough University almost a year ago now and he is currently serving in Abuja, i don't know where tho- Aunt Ruky mentioned FIRS but i am not really sure.

I walk to the kitchen to pick my cosko and start pacing the house after placing the turare on the coal, and now the house is literally filled with calming scent in form of smoke.

I left it in my bathroom when i am satisfied with how the house smells before settling down on the couch in our living room, scrolling through Instagram feeds.

Tapping on Fatmas message, it's a picture of her in one of the maternity gowns i gifted her almost two months ago: she looookkks soo good,

A knock interrupted me when i am about to reply the mama to be;

I stood up to go open the door, i am wearing an ankara skirt and peplum blouse and i tie the head-tie almost beautifully.

The opened door reveals my dad and sister, i actually thought it was my uncle and husband:

A smile grace my lips at the sight of dad; "Assalamu Alaikum," They both greeted at the same time.

"Wa'alaikas Salaam, come in." I open the door wider.

Once they settle in on the sofas i squat to greet my dad properly: "Abba ina wuni(Abba good afternoon)"

He put my palm in his: "Alhamdulillah lafia qalau, Yakuke?(Alhamdulillah i am good, what about you?)"

"I'm fine thank you," I answered with a smile on my face.

"Ina mai gidan ki?(where is your husband?)" Asks my father, i think this is the second time he has ever visited me in my almost 10 months of marriage.

"Ya fita, but he'll be coming back soon with Abubu(he is out)" He nods his head; "Abubu came to visit me yesterday, May Allah bless him."

"Amin." And i look at Zara, she smiles a small smile; "Ya Khamisa, in-"

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