Chapter Nineteen

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"Say: Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us." Quran.

Allah, Ar-Rahim knows whatever that's best for us, lets continue with the Tawakkul(trust in Allah) we have. May He choose whatever that's khair for us☺️


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"Damn," Sadiya my sister almost scream while her face broke into a huge smile.

Her husband Farouk smiled lovingly at her as he put his palm to cover her mouth preventing her from screaming: "You crazy girl, we're in public." He shove her playfully to the side.

"So? We're also married," She says, leaning into him.

A smile grace my lips, when?

When can we be t-

"Earth to you." Aminu pat my arm, i clear my throat; "Mama is looking for you," He informs and that's when i noticed that i probably zoned off.

I walk towards the rest of the family, today is our fourth day in Milan, and so far so good.

"Hamma is here." Mahir says as i approach, they're all seated on a mat, watching as the barely lit up sun set, and the overly blue ocean splash.

Yes, we're at a private side of the white pebble beach, we are gonna stay here in Camogli for two days, it's a fishing village in Italy, almost 3 hours drive from Milan.

"Yes mama?" I sit close to her, winking at my wife when she stole a look at me

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"Yes mama?" I sit close to her, winking at my wife when she stole a look at me.

"You left your wife alone, can't you see your brothers are with their wives?" She asks, Khamisas eyes increase in size as mama state that.

"Take her with you, sho-"

"You know she is uncivilized, do the honor of showing her around Italy." Zainab cut mama off and chirp in disrespectfully, as usual.

Naja, Bellos wife burst out laughing and high five(d) Zainab; "Matsalan yan kauye kenan(the problem of villagers) I'm sure she has never travelled abroad."

And trust me i ain't no coward but by Allah i couldn't speak, what on earth was that?

Khamisa lift her eyes and met mine halfway, she has unshed tears and i smiled weakly at her, that's basically all i do these days.

"Bakuda kunya ko? Maza kuyi shiru(y'all are mannerless yea? Will you keep quiet.)" Scold Mama and she turns to our direction with a smile plastered on her face.

"Khamisa don't mind them, go to your husband," My wife just nod her head and stood up obediently.

I did just that as well and when we're out of peoples eyes i slip my hand into hers.

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