Chapter 7 The future, the past, it's all too fast

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When I wake up I am in a stark white room, and when I say white room, everything is white, all the furniture, carpet, window, little things on the shelf, book covers, everything... ridiculous if you ask me... There is a nice fresh breeze on my face and I think I can hear the ocean. Are we back on the beach? I open my eyes wide and find I am sitting on a comfortable white chair. I am not tied to it and my arms and legs are completely free, but I can't move. I look around and I recognise Michael, he is awake and sitting on another one of those chairs next to me. Then I see Isabel in the corner of the room. After a moment she notices I am awake and comes over. 

"I am glad you are ok. I would never have thought that Michael would have kidnapped someone... like you. " 

I realise that Michael's face is red and he seems to be in pain. 

Isabel continues "you do not have to worry I will return you to your home and your family as soon as I will take care of him." 

She pauses and looks at Michael. "Did he tell you anything about the future or himself?" She looks at me. 

" Not much," I say, "He said he works for the government and works for the energy department or something like that. He said that most of his career he was behind the desk and recently got promoted to active duty and was still looking to find his feet. What is your issue with him, Isabel? I can understand that when a relationship breaks there must be some reasons, but to point a gun at us and kidnap us and now all this interrogation? Is this really necessary?"

She looks at me surprised, I think she didn't expect me to question her. She comes over and gives me a long stare and whispers 

"And you believed him?"

She pauses for a long while and paces around the room in front of us, then continues. 

" I will tell you something about Michael Bethany, Michael worked for the government most of his life, in the hm... energy department... But this, what he is doing now... this active duty as he called it, is not really a promotion, he lied about that. He decided to betray his government, and me, his wife, the person who sacrificed everything, all her life for him. He committed treason and that is why we are here. And so yes, it is really necessary Bethany." 

She walks around the room and then returns, looks me in the eyes and says 

"If you weren't who you are I really would enjoy turning you into dust."

"Leave her alone Isabel" I hear Michael " She doesn't understand your plans and agendas, she has nothing to do with this."

"Oh, you think she doesn't? I think she does. Especially knowing what family she is from. They have all been the same throughout the centuries, and she is just like them.  If I didn't know any better I would have thought you brought her here on purpose;  but... I know that you are not capable of coming up with a plan like this."  

After a moment of silence, Isabel lifts her head, as if she heard something and says 

" ok, they are ready for me, I will be back soon. " She walks behind us and with a smirk on her face she says 

"Don't go anywhere, as if you could." And she leaves the room laughing. Leaving us on our own. 

I whisper "Michael" he looks at me and I carry on 

"where are we? what is she going to do to us? Do you have a plan? Why can't I move?" 

Michael smiles at me and says 

"I can't understand what you are saying. Isabel took my language communicator so I don't know what you are saying to me, but I know that you have yours still on, so you should be able to understand me? Nod if you can understand?" I nod 

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