Chapter 40 Last stand

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I arrive inside the Tower, the same spot when I got here with Isabel. I changed my appearance. And stand here for a moment, thinking I have no plan... I was sort of hoping that maybe Ivette would join me... But it doesn't look like she is going to turn up. I finally find the courage inside me to move and follow the corridors to the cell that Michael was kept last time.

When I get there I realise that the cell is empty... There is no guards outside and no prisoners... I turn around and walked back confused. I am about to ask AI for the plans of the place when I hear an explosion... It's not too far from me, because I can see the smoke coming in my direction.

I follow into the dark fog of dirt and death in my suit that without any problems filtrates the air and allows me to see everything. As I walk through the damage. I see bodies and a broken wall that is still burning. People are running in the opposite direction, trying to carry out the wounded. I step through the opening in the broken wall as my AI assesses the area and tells me it is safe.

As I enter the next room I hear a blast and a wall is crumbling in front of my eyes and then the wooden structures around it turn to flames. Through the hole I see people moving. As I get closer I see a person in a black suit standing over another person in a white suit. As I come closer my AI recognises the suit's in front of me as Isabel's... I take my sword quickly and put it over the neck of the person that is standing. they are my bigger threat... I think

"What are you doing?!" I hear Ivette's voice and jump away, but it's too late. Isabel had enough time to get up and run for it.

"I had her! Why did you do that?!"

"I didn't know it was you... I thought you were her..."

"I know where she went... Follow me" She says and I do as I am told

"As we walk through the long corridor passing dead bodies and injured people I see a lot of damage and realise that Ivette, must have arrived here before me and has been fighting with Isabel for a while already"

"How long have you been here?" I ask

"I arrived six months ago... I was making my plan... God Bethany... I almost had her..." she sighs

"Why didn't you just join me?"

"You looked so pathetic, disorganised, no plan...I was certain you will not be able to get this done on your own..."

"Geez, thanks... Where are we going?"

"She has a base here... like a travel room... I expect she will be there..." she stops, turns to me and says "and just so we are clear... Isabel is mine... I have been planning it for way too long... You take your family and get out of this time, agreed?" I nod my head in agreement and we walk down the corridor.

As we reach a large door at the end I can see it has been damaged by an explosion. We walk into a white room with a pool in the middle. It reminds me of the room Bohnan took me to. As we step further in I can see Isabel, suited up, struggling to hold someone.

When she turns around to face us I see its Michael... She is holding a knife to his throat... Michael is already looking all beaten up, with bruisers and swollen face...

"Michael!" I shout and I hear Ivette saying

"He is expendable Bethany, you need to concentrate on what is important and your family... and killing her is the priority, remember that" and immediately she starts running towards Isabel. He points her hands at her and shoots are released.

Isabel covers herself with Michaels body while they both fly to the back of the room with an impact and hit the ground hard. I run to Michael and start pulling his body across to another room. While Ivette attacks Isabel. I look down at Michael, he is still alive, looking at me, trying to smile, but struggling to keep his eyes open. He is leaving a track of blood on the floor as I pull him. Once we reach the other room I put him down and kneel beside him, nervously starting to look for the nanobots... Then I hear

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