Chapter 45: The Attack

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"What do you know of him?" I inquired.

"Anubis Kharon is a ruthless warrior, not backing down unless absolutely necessary." Fenn informed me. "The man's clever, always thinking of his next move."

"He was in the Great Purge on Mandalore." Alaka'i added.

I saw the grim looks on the Mandalorians' faces. I can't imagine what it was like to lose your homeworld. But at least it wasn't blown up like Alderaan. They could still get their planet back, but I knew it would be difficult. They're going to need all the help they could get in order to reclaim Mandalore. 

"Loni, Kapono, and Maleko were just kids when it happened." Kalani chimed in, looking over at her children.

"I told Kalani to take them out of there before it was too late." Alaka'i commented.

"I wish I could've stayed to help." Kalani revealed. "To learn what had become of many of our people was tragic..." 

"It wouldn't have mattered, Kalani. Many of our people perished, and your family would've been amongst them had you not fled." Fenn mentioned before changing the subject. "Kharon has a fascination with Beskar. No doubt he's used the Beskar the Empire took to create a weapon of his own."

"Then I shall deal with him." I offered.

I glanced over at Fenn, Stormcaller, and the others to see no one was against my suggestion. I fought his wife and if they're similar, then beating him will be no problem. After going over the rest of the plan, I glanced over at Farris, who was silent this entire time. I was curious to know more about him and what had happened.

"Farris, do you mind if I have a word with you?" I questioned.

Farris turned towards me before giving me a nod. I was about to tell him to follow me, but he stood up, beating me to it as he spoke up. "Lead the way."

With that, we walked away from the others. Once Farris and I were away from the camp, we stopped walking. I wasn't sure how to bring up Farris's Jedi Master without hurting him, causing us to stand in complete silence. Before I could find the right words to say, Farris broke the silence.

"You're a Jedi too." Farris said.

I nodded. "I am."

"Who were you trained by?" Farris inquired.

"By different people. My brother, an old Jedi Master from the fallen Jedi Order...and an aunt of mine." I informed him.

I could sense Farris was baffled by my words. "You must have a lot of experience then."

I chuckled. "I don't know about that."

But I'm glad he asked that question, now it's time to ask him what's on my mind. I just hope it wouldn't devastate him. But I wanted to know whether he had a home to go back to.

"Farris, I know this isn't easy for you to speak about, but who was teaching you to become a Jedi?" I questioned.

"It's all right." Farris assured me. "The Jedi who trained me was my mother on our homeworld, Alpheridies. She was a Jedi Knight. She was killed when I was six. The Empire sent an Inquisitor, finding out there were Jedi there. I managed to escape...but she sacrificed her life for me."

My face fell at his words. That sounded very much like what happened to me. I couldn't help but feel terrible. No one should have to go through that, especially a child. Every child deserved to be with loving parents, but unfortunately not everyone had that luxury though...especially during war and under the reign of the Empire.

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