Chapter 9: Betrayed

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"I don't like this." Mando mentioned.

Xi'an scoffed. "You always were paranoid."

"Is that true, Mando? Were you always paranoid?" Mayfeld retorted.

At that moment, an alien let out a squeal as he banged on the door. Xi'an let out a hiss, while Burg chuckled. I tried to calm myself down as we were approaching the control room. I couldn't help but feel like things were about to get worse.

"Make a left at the next juncture." Zero informed us through Mayfeld's comlink.

Once we turned left, we saw no droids anywhere. That is until a we saw MSE-6 series repair droid heading towards us. I lowered my blaster pistols, knowing the droid wasn't harmful. Burg chuckled upon seeing the droid.

"What? It's just a little mousey. Come here, little mousey." Burg urged as he placed one hand behind his back, which contained a blaster.

"Burg." Mayfeld warned.

"Mousey, come here. Come here." Burg continued.

When the droid tried to flee, Burg fired his blaster at it, destroying it at once. Mayfeld looked at Burg rather shocked. "No! Burg, what are you doin'?"

Burg shrugged, turning towards him. "What?"

At that moment, four security droids emerged from one of the hallways. They carried blasters in their arms. They all spoke as they raised their blasters towards us. "Intruder alert. Open fire."

They began to fire their blasters at us. We immediately took cover by moving towards the edges of the hallway. I then felt a nudge against my shoulder. I turned to see it was Mando.

"We should go around and take out the droids from behind." Mando advised.

I nodded. "I'll be right behind you."

With that, Ani and I followed Mando, turning down the hallway and emerging from behind the four droids. Mando took out a vibroblade before rushed forth towards the droids. He slide across the floor, slicing the leg of one of the droids causing it to collapse onto the ground. Mando then blasted the second droid, knocking him onto the ground. Meanwhile, Ani used his jaws to destroy the first droid that lied on the ground.

I took out my vibroblade as I confronted the third droid. He fired a blast, but I dodged before spinning around and decapitating its head with the vibroblade. The fourth droid blasted Mando, but it hit his beskar armor. The second droid had gotten up, but Mando used his grappling cable to pull it towards him before ripping its head off. Two more droids appeared. Mando took care of them, using his flamethrower to destroy the fifth droid. I used my vibroblade, throwing it at the droid's leg, causing it to fall onto the ground. Mando then used his blaster to shoot the droid in the head. We turned around to see Burg, Mayfeld, and Xi'an looking at us in awe. The prisoners all cheered us on. However those looks faded as they approached us.

"Make sure you clean up your mess." Mayfield mentioned.

As they past us, Burg pushed his shoulder before catching up with the others. Mando and I exchanged a look before reluctantly joining the others. As soon as we reached the control room door, we heard Zero's voice through Mayfeld's comlink. "It seems your presence has been detected. Redirecting security alert away from your position."

"Z, open the door!" Mayfeld ordered.

"But I'm detecting an organic signature." Zero mentioned.

"Yeah, okay. All right. Just open the door!" Mayfeld demanded.

The door then opened, revealing a New Republic soldier. My stomach immediately dropped. The New Republic soldier turned around to face us. The soldier had short brown hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. He  a blue uniform with a New Republic insignia on the left shoulder along with a white helmet, which was the same as the Fleet Troopers. The soldier had a blaster pointed towards us. "Stop! Just stop right there."

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