Chapter 46: The Tragedy

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With that, Kempo and I frantically searched for the bomb in the entire base, which wasn't easy, considering how huge this place was. Once we found it in the control room, there was only about a minute and thirty seconds left. It was at that moment, I realized that none of us had any experience with deactivating bombs, which was quick a setback, especially now. And everyone in the control room that remained was killed. Kempo must've realized the same thing as he turned towards me. "Listen, we don't have a lot of time. Get out of here, and tell Brixie that I love her."

I shook my head. "No, you'll be able to say that to her yourself."

"You and I both know that won't be able to happen. It's been an honor working with you, Delmira." Kempo revealed.

My heart clenched. No, he couldn't stay here. Tears filled my eyes. "And it's been an honor knowing you, Lex. But if you're staying, then so am I."

"No, you can't." Kempo argued.

I didn't have a choice. There may not be enough time for me to get out in time and protect everyone from the outside. When that bomb blows, it'll take down not just the base but the village, so I'll need to contain it.

"I don't have a choice, Lex. You heard what Anubis said. When the bomb blows, it won't just destroy the base, but the nearby village as well." I protested.

"Frink..." Kempo cursed, knowing I was right.

"You need my help." I urged.

Kempo let out a sigh. "I know. Just wish it wasn't you. You have that Mandalorian to get back to."

My heart clenched as I thought of Din. I'm sorry, Din. But if I don't this, then innocent people will die. I forced a smile on my face, one that didn't reach my eyes. "We can't get to choose how or when we die, Lex."

But how we live...and my only regret was not being able to return to Din. Kempo gave me a grim look before replying. "Get to the front of the base. Be prepared in case I won't be able to defuse the bomb in time."

"On it." I confirmed. "And contact the team, see if anyone knows how to defuse a bomb."

Kempo scoffed. "Hopeful thinking, I'll try and see what happens. But don't hold your breath."

With that, I ran towards the front of the base. Once I reached the front room within the base, I turned on my comlink, contacting Ivey, who picked up in a heartbeat. "What happened?"

"Ivey, we might not be able to defuse the bomb in time. Get everyone as far away from the base." I ordered.

"Got it. And what about you and Kempo?" Ivey questioned.

"Don't worry about us, Ivey. Just get everyone out of here." I urged.

There wasn't enough time left and Ivey seemed to know what was about to happen as she let out a shaky breath. "...It's been an honor, knowing you Delmira. We'll miss both you and Lex."

I turned off my comlink. I then took out my holoprojector from my pocket. If I won't be able to make it out of here then perhaps I can leave a recording. The robotic voice rang out, reminding me how much time I had left. "Forty seconds..."

I quickly turned on the holoprojector, hitting record. "...If you're seeing this chances are I'm dead. Now I don't have much time, but I want to say I love you all so much. Leia, Luke, you're the best siblings one could have. Han and Chewy, you're the best friends one could wish for. Tell Ben he's the best nephew in the entire galaxy. Let Ani know that I love him dearly, he's become part of the family, our family."

"Twenty seconds..."

Tears began to fill my eyes as I croaked out. "Kaytia, Grogu, you are the best daughter and son one could hope to have. And Din, my love I'm so sorry for leaving. I love you very much, I could never love anyone else. Until we meet again..."

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