Chapter 8: The Mercenaries

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Once we landed, Mando placed the child in the compartment near his weapons so he'd remain hidden away. I had agreed with Mando to hide the child. If we can't trust them, then it's better to keep this all a secret. Mando placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, everything will be fine."

I nodded, wanting to believe his words. Once Ani, Mando, and I got off the ship, we saw a man with long gray hair and a matching beard. 

"Mando. Is that you under that bucket?" The man inquired.

"Ran." Mando greeted.

"I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again. Good to see you. You know, to be honest, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me. You know, 'cause I I hear things. Like, maybe things between you and the Guild aren't workin' out." Ran pointed out.

"I'll be fine." Mando assured him.

"Okay. Well, you know the policy. No questions. And you, you're welcome back here anytime." Ran informed him. He then saw me. "You gonna introduce me to your friend?"

"Ran, this is Helia Halcyon. Helia, this is Ran." Mando said, introducing us.

I knew if Mando introduced me as Helia then that meant I had to keep my true identity from these people. I knew from just one look at Ran that I couldn't trust him. I had the same familiar tingling feeling in the back of my mind, which I quickly learned was never a good thing. Ran's eyes widened. "The Shadow Bonzami?"

"You have heard of me?" I inquired, rather baffled.

Ran chuckled. "Of course. You're one of the most famous bounty hunters in the galaxy."

"So, what's the job?" Mando asked, changing the subject.

"One of our associates ran afoul of some competitors and got himself caught. So, I'm puttin' together a crew to spring him. It's a five person job. I got four. All I need is the ride, and you brought it." Ran explained.

"The ship wasn't part of the deal." Mando argued.

"Well, the Crest is the only reason I let you back in here." Ran retorted.

I glanced over at the Mando to see him looking tense. I could sense his frustration as he clenched his fists. I placed a hand around Mando's arm. I used the Force to help calm him down, not wanting him to do something he'd regret. I then felt Mando relax, uncurling his fists. However, Ran seemed to test his patience.

"What's the look? Is that gratitude?" Ran questioned before letting out a laugh. "Uh-huh. I think it is."

Ran then led us towards a table where a bald man stood. There were several weapons behind him. Ran greeted the man. "Hey, Mayfeld."

At once, Mayfeld turned to face us. "Yeah?"

"This is Mando, the guy I was tellin' you about. We used to do jobs way back when." Ran mentioned.

Mayfeld glanced over at Mando. "This is the guy?"

Ran nodded. "Yeah, we were all young, tryin' to make a name for ourselves. Yeah, but runnin' with a Mandalorian, that was...that brought us some reputation."

Mayfeld raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah? What did he get out of it?"

Ran chuckled. "I asked him that one time. You remember what you said, Mando?"

"Target practice." Mando admitted.

Ran laughed. "Target practice. We did some crazy stuff, didn't we?"

At his words, Mando glanced over at me before looking back at Ran. "That was a long time ago."

"Well, I don't go out anymore. You understand? So, uh, Mayfeld, he's gonna run point on this job. If he says it, it's like it's comin' from me. You good with that?" Ran questioned.

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